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Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM48548

Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM48548

Part Number: LM48548
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High-quality, tapered roller bearing. Replacement part uses industry-standard number. Great Prices for the best trailer bearings races seals caps from TruRyde. Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM48548 part number LM48548 can be ordered online at or call 1-800-940-8924 for expert service.
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TruRyde Trailer Bearings Races Seals Caps - LM48548

  • Bearings
  • Standard Bearings
  • 2500 lbs Axle
  • 1.375 Inch I.D.
  • Bearing LM48548
  • TruRyde
  • Race LM48510

High-quality, tapered roller bearing. Replacement part uses industry-standard number.


  • Inner diameter: 1.375"
  • Matching race (sold separately): LM48510
  • Application: inner bearing for AH25555F agricultural hub

LM48548 Replacement Bearing

Video of Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM48548

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Feature Breakdown: Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing

Today, were going to review part number LM48548. This is the Redline Trailer Wheel Bearing, and this is an inner bearing for an agricultural hub. Most replacement bearings are high-quality, tapered-roller bearings, and all bearings will have an industry standard number stamped on them regardless of the brand. For you to get the correct replacement bearing, what you want to do would be look on the inner ring of the bearing. Therell be a number stamped. Like right here, this one says LM48548.

That signifies the part number for this bearing. Now, yours might be a different brand with a different number on it. But, if you get us that number, well be able to cross reference it to get you the correct bearing. Now, if you dont have the bearing number off the bearing, what you would need to do would be to measure this inside diameter of the bearing, that is the most critical measurement that fits on the spindle. To do that, you would need to use a digital caliper, which would be able to measure and have a digital readout.

The reason that is, is the measurement is in thousands of an inch. This should be the most accurate. Using a ruler or tape measure will not work. If we use this digital caliper and measure the inside that would give us an inner diameter of 1.375 inches. Now, this bearing is comprised of three different pieces.

The inner ring is the cone which slides onto the spindle, the actual tapered roller bearings which will roll, and the roller retainer or the cage which holds the roller bearings in place. Now, lubrication on a wheel bearing is normally with wheel bearing grease. In some cases, it might be oil. Now, there is one other piece that is required when installing this on your spindle and that is the bearing race, and that is the part that the bearing will sit into and also rotate in. The bearing race for this part number would be LM48510, which is sold separately.

The critical measurement on the bearing race would be the outside diameter. The outside diameter on that race would be 2.563. That should do it for a review on part number LM48548.

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Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM48548 - LM48548

Average Customer Rating:  4.7 out of 5 stars   (121 Customer Reviews)

High-quality, tapered roller bearing. Replacement part uses industry-standard number.















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  • Solution for Replacement Hub For 2k Axle With LM48548 Inner Bearing
    The 1.375" measurement corresponds with the # LM48548. The closest thing to 1.255 I'm aware of is the # LM67048 which measures 1.250" for the inner diameter. One way or another, bearing combinations using the # LM48548 are obsolete so we do not have a hub that will fit. The best solution is to replace the axle with one that uses a modern bearing combination. To find a replacement axle you will need the hub face to hub face measurement. I have attached a helpful video below which explains...
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  • Replacement Bearings and Seal for Dexter Hub 8-147
    The inner bearings should be # LM48548 (1.375 inch inner diameter), outer bearing should be # L44649 (1.06 inch inner diameter) and the grease seal should be # 58846. I would recommend you pull your bearings out to verify that but that SHOULD be what you need.
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  • Bearing Recommendation for Trailer with LM48548 and L68149
    We have the bearings you are looking for. You would want part # LM48548 and # L44649. These are not identical though. Then for a grease seal set you'd want the part # RG06-050.
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  • Replacement for Bearing LM48548 and Grease Seal 10-4
    Grease Seal # RG06-050 has an inner diameter of 1.719" and outer diameter of 2.565", you mentioned you have grease seal 10-4 and it has a width of .5" but from my research it looks like a 10-4 seal has an inner diameter of 1.249" and outer diameter of 1.983". I strongly recommend using a digital caliper such as # PTW80157 to measure the seal, as well as your spindle where the seal rides in order to get the correct replacement. If it does have an inner diameter of 1.249" and outer diameter...
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  • Info Needed to Pick Out Replacement Hub/Drums for Horse Trailer
    So in order to pick out replacement hubs and brake assemblies I would need a few pieces of info. The simplest two pieces of info I would need are the axle capacity and the wheel bolt pattern. If you can't get the axle capacity get me the diameter of the spindle where the bearings ride or the numbers stamped on the bearings.
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  • Rebuilding A 1973 Cree Camper And Looking For New Hubs, Brakes, Leaf Springs And Equalizer
    Hello Sarah, thanks for reaching out. Our records show the Dexter 8-147 hub is indeed for a 3,500 lb axle. So, we do have hubs that will fit your axle, like the Trailer Hub and Drum Assembly # AKHD-545-35-G-K. The problem is these hubs use the standard 5 on 4-1/2" bolt pattern. It appears your hubs use a 4 lug pattern which is unfortunately obsolete, so I do not have a solution I can offer that involves re-using your wheels. We do have some pretty cool looking wheels options that can work...
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  • Replacement Hub/Drum Assembly Needed for a Dexter 8-147 Assembly
    Your drum/hub that is the Dexter 8-147 part number should have an inner bearing # LM48548, an outer bearing # L44649, and a grease seal # 58846. If this is the case then we do have some hub/drum assemblies that would work great for your application. The hub/drum assembly that I recommend using is the part # AKHD-545-35-K which is compatible with 3,500 lb axles and has the bearings and seal that fit your spindle. It fits 10" brake assemblies so you will want to verify that on your end. This...
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    The Lippert Components Heavy-Duty Replacement Shock - Yellow # LC283280 is 8.625 inches compressed and 13.5 inches fully extended. Your current suspension may extend and retract slightly further but the shocks will be a good replacement based on the actual shock absorbing as long as they will fit your brackets. Unfortunately we don't have any info on your axle or hubs, so to help, I will need to get the bearing numbers printed on the face of your inner and outer bearing of one hub. If...
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  • Looking For Trailer Hub With LM48548 And LM11949 Bearings
    Hello Ricky, thanks for reaching out. It sounds like you have an older axle, or maybe even an agricultural hub, because the LM48548 and LM11949 bearings are pretty uncommon these days. Sadly, we do not have a replacement hub that uses these bearings. Wedo carry replacement bearings though, if you need those. - Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM48548 # LM48548 - Replacement Race for LM48548 Bearing # LM48510 - Replacement Trailer Hub Bearing - LM11949 # LM11949 - Replacement Race...
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  • Determining Capacity of Unknown Axle
    According to my online research, your axles are old Dexters with a capacity of 3500 lbs apiece. I would recommend confirming this by checking the reference numbers on your bearings. The inner bearings should be # LM48548, outer bearing should be # L44649 and the grease seal should be # 58846. If these reference numbers match up, you have confirmed the capacity. Replacement bearings and seals are available should you need them, but I could not find a hub.
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  • Solution for Needing Replacement Hub with Bearings 12649 48548
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  • Replacement Hubs and Brake Assemblies for Dexter Mobile Home Axle and 8-147 Hubs
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  • Replacement Bearings for idler hub with LM4858 Inner Bearing
    I have a solution for you, but we do not have any hubs that are compatible with the item # LM48548 inner bearing that you currently have. .003 is a tiny difference but that can still cause problems down the road so I do not recommend replacing your hub with the etrailer Trailer Idler Hub Assembly item # AKIHUB-545-35-K. You could continue to use your old hubs and simply replace the bearings. The inner bearing is item # LM48548 and for the race you'll want the Replacement Race for LM48548...
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  • Replacement Hub Needed for Older Trailer Axle with M12649 and LM48548 Bearings
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  • Correct Seal For 2.562 Boat Trailer
    After running the numbers the Seal Set # BB60010 you were looking at is for the L68149 Inner Bearing or the 1.810 Bearing Buddy. I don't think that is what you're looking for. I found this Seal Set # BB60002 which is for LM48548 or L68149 Inner Bearing and also for a 1.980, 1.968 or 2.562 Bearing Buddy. The 2.562 matches the seal number you provide and this is the best match I could find on our site. I've included a video Randy made to help you with the install!
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  • Replacement Bearings, Races and Grease Seal for Dexter 8-147 3500lb Axle
    Your Dexter 8-147 hub uses a # LM48548 inner bearing and a # L44649 outer bearing. The inner race is # LM48510 and the outer race is # L446910. The grease seal is part # 58846.
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  • Replacement For Dexter 8-147 Hub
    The # 8-247-50 matches the capacity, but it uses the modern bearing configuration with # L44649 outer and # L68149 inner bearings. The 8-147 uses a # LM48548 inner bearing which means these hubs will not fit your spindle. The best solution is to replace your current axle. We have the following 3,500 lb axle lengths available: -Trailer Axle Beam with Easy Grease Spindles - 89" Long # e38GR -Trailer Axle Beam with Easy Grease Spindles - 95" Long # e68GR You want to choose a replacement...
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  • Finding Replacement Bearing Sizes for 2006 EZLoader Trailer
    I spoke with EZLoader, who gave me your bearing sizes. The inner bearing is # LM48548, which measures 1.375 inches. Its matching race is # LM48510. The outer bearing is # L44649, which measures 1.063 inches. Its matching race is # L44610. You can also purchase a grease seal set, # BB60002. We also offer grease caps for 1.98 inch hub bores, such as the standard grease cap # RG04-020, and the EZ Lube grease cap # DC200L-DCRP. I've attached several review videos of these products for...
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  • Recommended Replacements for an Older Trailer Hub
    Having an inner bearing # LM48548 and outer bearing # LM11949 is definitely going to make things a bit difficult. I went through all the hub options we have available, but none will match your set up, unfortunately. That being said, we should be able to get replacement lugs for you. This will depend on the size needed, but the # 7-122 will be 2 inches long with a 1/2 diameter, the # K916WB25 will be 2 1/2 inches long with a 9/16 diameter, and the # 7-232 will be 2 3/4 inches long with...
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  • Replacement Parts for 18k Triple Axle Trailer
    Hi Jeff; assuming 3tubes meant 3" axle tubes/axle diameter you can use the Demco Trailer Brake Mounting Flange # DM52415 for 3" axles. However, if those bearing measurements are correct it indicates you have a # LM48548 inner bearing. We don't carry any hubs that use this bearing. I will also need to know the axle capacity to find the right brake assemblies. The closest thing we have for a hub and drum is the # 8-407-5UC3-EZ which uses the # L68149 outer bearing with a 1.378" inner diameter...
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