High-quality, tapered roller bearing. Replacement part uses industry-standard number.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Today, were going to review part number LM48548. This is the Redline Trailer Wheel Bearing, and this is an inner bearing for an agricultural hub. Most replacement bearings are high-quality, tapered-roller bearings, and all bearings will have an industry standard number stamped on them regardless of the brand. For you to get the correct replacement bearing, what you want to do would be look on the inner ring of the bearing. Therell be a number stamped. Like right here, this one says LM48548.
That signifies the part number for this bearing. Now, yours might be a different brand with a different number on it. But, if you get us that number, well be able to cross reference it to get you the correct bearing. Now, if you dont have the bearing number off the bearing, what you would need to do would be to measure this inside diameter of the bearing, that is the most critical measurement that fits on the spindle. To do that, you would need to use a digital caliper, which would be able to measure and have a digital readout.
The reason that is, is the measurement is in thousands of an inch. This should be the most accurate. Using a ruler or tape measure will not work. If we use this digital caliper and measure the inside that would give us an inner diameter of 1.375 inches. Now, this bearing is comprised of three different pieces.
The inner ring is the cone which slides onto the spindle, the actual tapered roller bearings which will roll, and the roller retainer or the cage which holds the roller bearings in place. Now, lubrication on a wheel bearing is normally with wheel bearing grease. In some cases, it might be oil. Now, there is one other piece that is required when installing this on your spindle and that is the bearing race, and that is the part that the bearing will sit into and also rotate in. The bearing race for this part number would be LM48510, which is sold separately.
The critical measurement on the bearing race would be the outside diameter. The outside diameter on that race would be 2.563. That should do it for a review on part number LM48548.
Average Customer Rating: 4.7 out of 5 stars (121 Customer Reviews)
High-quality, tapered roller bearing. Replacement part uses industry-standard number.
good product
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