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Best Ford F-150 Backup Cameras

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Backup Camera Videos

DIY Installation for the ClearVU Backup Camera Cleaner System - 2020 Ford F-150

Play video DIY Installation for the ClearVU Backup Camera Cleaner System - 2020 Ford F-150

Hey guys, it's Jake here with etrailer. Today we have a 2020 Ford F-150, and we're gonna be taking a look at and showing you how to install the ClearVU Camera Cleaning System. This system is designed to clean your camera so that you don't have to get out of your vehicle in order to do it. We all know the frustrating fact of that when you're driving around on the road, whether it's during the winter, during the summer even, if you're driving down a gravel road that's dusty, this rear view camera, what'll happen is all the dirt and the debris from the roads is all swarming behind your vehicle, and it just starts to cake up that lens. Well what this is designed to do is when you go to back up into a spot, and you see that you can't see very clearly out of your rear view camera, this is going to clean it off. You just hit your windshield wipers, it's gonna tie right in with that line, and it's gonna clean your camera off, and you'll be able to see just fine.

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