3-1/2" Round. Trailer light functions as both a clearance light and side marker light when properly mounted. Piranha series combines modern design with vibrant lighting. Mounts on surface of trailer. Accepts AMP-style plug. PC rated.
PC-Rated Lights
A PC-rated light produces a 90-dgree angle of light to either side of its centerline for a total of 180 degrees of coverage. This beam pattern can be clearly seen when you are standing directly in front of the light as well as when you are standing on either side of the light. When properly installed, this type of light can function as both a front clearance light and a side marker light or as a rear clearance light and side maker light.
Surface-Mount Light
Surface-mount trailer lights install using a flange or bracket with mounting holes. These lights lay flat against the trailer surface and only require a small, often pre-existing hole, for wiring. Mounting hardware is used to secure the light to the trailer.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Ellen: Hey everyone. I'm Ellen here at etrailer.com and today we're going to be taking a look at the Piranha LED trailer light. This is going to be in red, so this can act as your clearance light for the rear of your trailer and provide that good lighting function so that people can see what's going on behind you when you're turning on your brakes, running lights and all that good stuff. So it keeps you within DOT compliance comes with this bezel already installed. It's already glued on there with some pretty strong adhesive, so it's not going anywhere. The main advantage to using an LED light over an incandescent, which is kind of the older style light, is that it's pretty much maintenance free.
You don't have to worry about changing out a bulb ever. It's going to last a long time and also have a much lower power draw than your typical incandescent light, so you get as bright or brighter alight with less power requirement. So it should make it pretty good upgrade to your system if you already had incandescent lights.So we can take a little closer look at it. It's going to utilize an amp or amp style connector. So something that should look like this.
This is going to be a related product on the product page here at etrailer.com so you will want to pick this up with the light. It is sold separately but it's going to create a watertight seal with that light housing so it makes it really easy to install and also a very long lasting system.Just plug that in and it's a little bit stiff, which is not a bad thing because you want it to not be so flippant that it can just pop off at anything. Just kind of coax it over that little fin. I'm trying not to push on the wires because I don't want to kink and break the copper inside. You have stronger hands than mine you might be able to do that with no problem.
So now we've got our two wires to connect power and ground. So I'm going to hook that up to my little set up here. The white wire will be our ground wire. Red will be our power.See our light comes on there. Nice, bright red light, it's going to be red LEDs underneath a red lens.
Turn out the light in the studio and get a better idea of how bright that is. So pretty nice, bright light, definitely visible. This is a PC rated light and basically what that means is that this light pattern goes in 180 degrees, so a full semicircle around our light and you can see it from the side just as well as you can from the front and the other side. That means you can use this as a clearance and a side marker light at the same time if you have it mounted on your trailer properly. So pretty nice that you can kind of double up the usage with this and get that lighting function in more than one location.Turn our lights back on and let's talk about measurements. So the size overall from the outer edge of that bezel, it's about three and a half inches in diameter. Our cutout size or the hole that it'll fit into. I'm going to take this off real quick. The cutoff size is two and three quarter inches, so that's the hole diameter that this will fit into pretty snugly. The depth of the light going from the outer most edges is just barely over an inch and a half. This little top portion and this little prong just push it ever so slightly, over an inch and a half. And then the distance between our mounting holes, center to center is two and three quarter inches.It does not come with any hardware to get this installed. The diameter of the mounting holes, it's about three-16th so any three-16th hardware should fit just fine. It's made in USA acrylic lens, plastic base. No worries about rusting there. Should last you a long time. The power draw at 12 volts is going to be 0.14 amps and it works with nine volt up to 16 volt power. A 12 volt DC systems has a limited lifetime warranty and made in the USA. There's five diodes in there, so one, two, three, four and five.And that's pretty much all there is to it for this little guy. So I hope I've answered all of your questions and if this is not the right light for you, maybe you need something a little bit different, we do have a lot of other options available here at etrailer.com including different sizes and also amber lens lights as well. So check them out right here at etrailer.com and thanks for watching.
Average Customer Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (306 Customer Reviews)
3-1/2" Round. Trailer light functions as both a clearance light and side marker light when properly mounted. Piranha series combines modern design with vibrant lighting. Mounts on surface of trailer. Accepts AMP-style plug. PC rated.
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