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Are New Brake Drums Required if Replacing Electric Brake Assemblies on a Trailer  


Hello, I am considering installing new never adjust brakes on my trailer and I was wondering 1 do i need to install new drums along with them? My current drums are only a few years old and the interiors seem to be in good shape but what would be the advantages of installing new drums along with my new brakes? Would the brakes wear or work better with new drums? Also 2 instead of using lock washers when installing the new brakes cant I just use blue lock tight? In the videos it looks like the bolt barley makes it thru to the other side when lock washers are used - Also 3 after I install these new brakes do I really need to adjust them? meaning cant I just pull my trailer a few hundred miles and let them adjust themselves? And 4 my final question is I read a few reviews that stated their new brakes and drums were not packed right and they received dented and or crushed wires and such - Are these items drop shipped or does your company pack and ship them? I would be upset if I spent over $400.00 on all of these parts only to receive them all busted up - No offense intended - Thx


Expert Reply:

If you already have brake drums you will not have to replace them unless they are damaged or became overheated and have discoloration on the inside armature surface where the magnet rides, grooves in the armature surface, or severe wear where the pads ride.

If the drums are in good shape there really isn't a benefit to getting new ones when you replace the brakes. Speaking of the brakes if you are looking for 10 x 2-1/4 inch assemblies I recommend our brand # AKEBRK-35L-SA for the left side and # AKEBRK-35R-SA for the right side. the pad material for these is actually cut rather than snapped to length which helps them to last longer (less likely to chip or crack).

I would stick with lock washers because that is how everything was designed but in a pinch blue Loctite would work.

You can install the brakes without making the initial adjustment but it will take a while for them to adjust where they need to be. Making that initial adjustment it pretty easy though and it would be much safer and easier on the tow vehicle brakes if you were to make that initial adjustment. I linked a video showing how it's done.

We do pack and ship these parts. We take every precaution to protect the items. Of course once it leaves our warehouse there is no way to tell how the package might be treated!

expert reply by:
Michael H

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