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Difference Between Kodiak 3,500 lb Hub & Rotor Disc Brakes  


what is the difference between kodiak KOD67FR and KOD59FR 3,500 lb hub and rotor disc brake assemblies?


Expert Reply:

There is only a single difference between the two 3,500 lb Kodiak disc brake hub and rotor kits you asked about, and that's the protection given to the calipers.

- KodaGuard-Coated Cast Iron Calipers: Kodiak Disc Brakes # KOD59FR

- Dacromet-Plated Cast Iron Calipers: Kodiak Disc Brakes # KOD67FR

The KodaGuard has a 500 to 600 hour salt spray rating while the dacromet has a 300 to 400 hour salt spray rating so you get better overall protection from the KodaGuard kit. If your trailer is going to have consistent saltwater exposure the KodaGuard is better choice, but if you aren't a regular in saltwater then it's smart to just go with the best price.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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