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"Very broad selection and outstanding service."

Eagan, MN


With Edge Products performance chips, modules and monitors you get all three great features listed below in one easy-to-install package. Some monitors allow you to test 0-60 and quarter mile times, remove the speed limiter, read and clear diagnostic codes, adjust power levels on the fly, use TOMTOM GPS navigation, view what's behind the truck with a built-in back up camera, replace gauges and much, much more...

  • Power - Edge Products plug-in modules are designed to create power where you need it most. By carefully monitoring the RPM timing, turbo boost and fueling parameters, Edge modules maximize engine efficiency through fueling and timing enhancements. Edge modules are fully adjustable and come with at least three separate power levels to choose from. Typical improvements range from 40 to 150 horsepower and 100 to 350 foot pounds of torque. Furthermore, Edge products greatly improve throttle response, so you feel the power when you need it.
  • Towing - A typical diesel truck, towing the average hill, will be able to go ten to twelve miles an hour faster with an Edge module installed. That means no more flashers in the slow lane. It also means no more annoying down shifts on every little hill.
  • Mileage - Because a properly tuned engine is more efficient, Edge modules can produce mileage gains of about ten percent. A ten percent gain can translate into savings of hundreds of dollars per year in fuel costs. For RV owners, mileage gain is usually about one mile per gallon. It prove difficult with all the extra power, but good driving habits are required to increase fuel economy.