Passenger's-side electric trailer brake assembly measures 10" x 2-1/4" and fits 4,400-lb axles. Mounting flange has 4-bolt pattern. Fits 13" to 15" wheels.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, there, I'm Michael with Today, we're gonna take a quick look at this Lippert self-adjusting electric trailer brake assembly. This is a right-hand or passenger side electric trailer brake assembly for a 4,400 pound capacity axle. This is 10 inches in diameter, measured from the outside edge of one brake shoe to the outside edge of the other brake pad. (ruler clattering) That is going to be a two and one quarter inch width. So you can see here, two and one quarter of an inch.
So, this is gonna work with most standard hub and drum assemblies, including Lippert. This will work for wheel sizes from 13 inches to 15 inches. It does have the four bolt brake flange configuration. As you can see, we've got those four bolts there. So it will be very easy to get mounted onto your axle that accepts that four bolt brake flange configuration.
Electric brakes, if you're not familiar, they are gonna be much easier to get installed and they are going to offer more user control than your hydraulic brakes, because you don't need to worry about a brake actuator or hydraulic lines. You really just need a brake controller, which we do sell separately here at On the backside, we do have those two wires. One is going to be for ground, the other is going to be for the brake feed for power. It doesn't matter which one you use for which function, they are interchangeable.
You just need one for each setup and they are both red, so you don't have to worry about getting them mixed up. The mounting hardware to get this installed is also not included, and we do sell it separately here at This assembly is going to be self-adjusting. You can see we've got this cable here that's going to go around the wheel and attach to our adjusting lever down there, and that will allow it to automatically adjust as you use the brakes to deliver optimum performance and breaking power. You don't need to manually adjust at regular intervals or anything like that after your initial adjustment.
For that initial adjustment, we do have adjuster access holes here that are going to allow you to fine tune it for your setup initially. And then once you are set up with that, we've got the included plug covers here that are going to cover those access holes to keep dirt and grime out of the assemblies and off your shoes. These brake shoes are aligned with automotive grade friction material. That friction material is fully bonded to the shoe, not riveted, so it's gonna give you a much longer life, and more breaking torque. And if you're going to install these and you're working with multiple, don't have your tag in there to see which side is which, the easy way to tell is to measure your brake pads. So, you can see this one is going to be longer than this one here. It's gonna be shorter. Your shorter pad is going to be your primary shoe, and that is always going to face the front of your trailer. So this is going to be for your right-hand side, or the passenger side assembly. (brake clattering against table) So if you are needing to replace, or if you're looking to add an electric brake assembly for the right-hand or passenger side of your 4,400 pound capacity axle, this is gonna do a great job for you. We also have the driver's side available as well as a kit with both the passenger side and the driver's side. So if you're gonna be replacing them at the same time, that would be the way I would go. But if you're just needing the passenger side, this is gonna do exactly what you need. That completes our look for today. Again, I'm Michael with Thanks for watching.
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Passenger's-side electric trailer brake assembly measures 10" x 2-1/4" and fits 4,400-lb axles. Mounting flange has 4-bolt pattern. Fits 13" to 15" wheels.Fit perfectly
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