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Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuators - DA10 Series

Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuators - DA10 Series

Part Number: DM5943
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This Demco slide repair kit fits all Demco DA10 series hydraulic brake actuators with 12,500-lb capacity. Includes upper slider, lower slider, and 2 side spacers. 1-800-940-8924 to order Demco accessories and parts part number DM5943 or order online at Free expert support on all Demco products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuators - DA10 Series. Accessories and Parts reviews from real customers.
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Demco Accessories and Parts - DM5943

  • Brake Actuator
  • Disc Brakes
  • Hydraulic Drum Brakes
  • Slides
  • Demco
  • Repair Kit

This Demco slide repair kit fits all Demco DA10 series hydraulic brake actuators with 12,500-lb capacity. Includes upper slider, lower slider, and 2 side spacers.


  • This Demco slide repair kit fits all Demco DA10 series hydraulic brake actuators with 12,500-lb capacity
  • Includes upper slider, lower slider, and 2 side spacers
  • Made in the USA

5943 Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Trailer Couplers - DA10 Series

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Video of Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuators - DA10 Series

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Let’s Check Out the Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuators

Michael: Hi, there. I'm Michael with Today, we're taking a quick look at the slide repair kit for your Demco hydraulic brake actuators. This kit is going to fit all of your Demco DA10 series hydraulic brake actuators with a 12,500-pound capacity. These are a nice, solid nylon material, so they're going to hold up well, do a good job for you. This kit does come with the upper and lower slider as well as two spacers.

Now, one of the most important things about this kit is that it is a Demco product, so Demco made it for their brake actuators. So, you're not going to have to worry about making any sort of modifications or anything like that. It is going to work just straight from the box with your brake actuator. So, you can rest assured that it is going to work for you. That's going to complete our look for today.

Again, I'm Michael with each Thanks for watching.

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Slide Repair Kit for Demco Hydraulic Brake Actuators - DA10 Series - DM5943

Average Customer Rating:  4.8 out of 5 stars   (4 Customer Reviews)

This Demco slide repair kit fits all Demco DA10 series hydraulic brake actuators with 12,500-lb capacity. Includes upper slider, lower slider, and 2 side spacers.


Everything that i needed worked great


Just received this last night. I could not find this any where in California. found Etrailer
and they sent it out right away.
Thanks ETrailer


Parts were back ordered but I was informed of the delay and was given a delivery date or cano. I chose to order and parts arrived early. Great service



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