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Parts Needed to Flat Tow a 2015 Fiat 500 Pop Behind and RV  


What parts do I need to tow my 2015 Fiat 500 Pop behind our RV? RV has a 7-pole connector.


Expert Reply:

To flat tow your 2015 Fiat 500 Pop behind your RV you will need base plates, a tow bar, safety cables, lighting, and supplemental braking.

For base plates I recommend the Blue Ox base plates # BX2801. Our installers find that the Blue Ox base plates are easier to install than other brands.

For a compatible tow bar I recommend the Blue Ox Alpha, # BX7380. this tow bar is rated for 6,500 pounds, more than enough for your Fiat 500, and it comes with safety cables so you will not need to add any. I have included a link to a video review of this tow bar for you.

For lighting I recommend the 4-diode kit # RM-154. Since your RV has a 7-Way trailer connector I also recommend coiled umbilical kit # HM47054. One end plugs into a 7-Way on the RV and the other end plugs into the 6-Way included with the kit. Just cut off the front 4-Way from the diode kit and wire up the wires to the 6-Way.

The 6-Way connector is labeled. On the 4-Way wires from the diode kit white is ground, brown is running/tail lights, yellow is left turn/brake lights and green is right turn/brake lights. I have linked a video showing an example installation of the diode kit for you.

And finally, most states now require supplemental braking on the vehicle being flat towed. One of the preferred systems for our installers and what I recommend is the SMI Stay-IN-Play DUO proportional system, # SM99251. It will apply the vehicle brakes in proportion to how much the tow vehicle is braking. This is the safest way to stop and it reduces wear and tear on both vehicles.

Be sure to consult your vehicle owners manual for specific information on flat towing the vehicle. I have also included some helpful links to our series of help articles on flat towing for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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