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Comparing Roadmaster and Hellwig Sway Bars for Motorhome Built on E-450 Chassis  


My 2014 Motorhome on a E450 chassis has OEM sway-bars, which are inadequate. So Im shopping for aftermarket sway-bars. - Why are Roadmasters sway bars so much more expensive than Hellwigs sway-bars? Hellwig, has been making aftermarket suspension, for a lot longer than Roadmaster and both companies make their bars in the USA Loyal Customer of eTrailer - 20 years +


Expert Reply:

Roadmasters priority when it comes to their sway bars is top notch quality and the easiest install for the customer. This typically cuts the install time down enough that you end up saving money if you pay to have the bars installed or decide to do it yourself. Hellwig bars will work great once installed but they aren't as easy to install and their hardware isn't quite as nice so over the long haul you pay less with the Roadmaster bars.

The rear bar you'd need for your 2014 Motorhome on a E450 chassis with a factory sway bar is the part # RM-1139-147 and then for the front # RM-1139-176.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Bill K. profile picture

Bill K.


2020 e-450 cutaway, odyssey Entegra...I installed rear sway, steering stabilizer, had Hellwig leaf overloads. Towing a Chevy Colorado...swayed and swerved. Always having to correct. I assume weight is my problem. Would a front sway help much. Hate to sell the truck, but few offer flat towing. Thanks

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


A front sway bar (part # RM-1139-176) will definitely help to further reduce the sway you're still experiencing. I would certainly add this to your setup before selling the truck.

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