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Difference Between 2-Point and 4-Point Sway Control on Weight Distribution Systems  


This item looks exactly like the Equal-i-zer 90-00-0401. The Equalizer is advertised as a 4-pt sway control. The Fastway is advertised as only 2-pt. I dont understand the difference. The sway control principals/forces are the same with either hitch setup. It seems to me the Fastway is technically a 4-pt as well, if you follow the 4-pt explanation on the Equalizer page. They both work the same. Can you elaborate on the possible difference? Thanks


Expert Reply:

The Equil-i-zer Weight Distribution with 4-Point Sway Control, like # EQ37041ET, differs from the Fastway e2 Weight Distribution with 2-Point Sway Control # FA92-00-0450, because it does utilize 2 more points of steel-on-steel friction at the head of the system. The 4-point system uses a tight connection with the trunnion bars at the head, in a way sandwiching the bar and utilizing that friction to keep it from moving as freely. The Fastway e2 2-point system has a slight gap between the head and the trunnion bars, keeping them secure while able to pivot but without the added friction points.

I've attached a picture that shows the difference.

expert reply by:
Jason S
click to enlarge

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