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Correct Ball Mount for 19-3/4 Inch Receiver Height on 2021 Ford F150  


I am looking to purchase a ball hitch for my boat trailer. I have a 2021 Ford F150 with a measurement from the ground to the inside top of receiver to be 19 3/4. I do not have my boat trailer readily available currently which it is a 2016 Load Rite trailer. Would you happen to know that meaurement from the ground to the bottom of the coupler or the /rise ball hitch I should purchase? Thank you for you time.


Helpful Expert Reply:

I have no idea what the exact coupler height of your trailer would be, but typically the range is in between 16-1/2-19 inches in height.

The # 989900 ball mount kit you'd looked at would have you covered for a 4 inch or a 2 inch drop which would pretty much cover the bases. You don't need to get the height completely equal, the idea is to be within an inch or two which the ball mounts included in the kit would certainly do.

Another option would be an adjustable ball mount like the excellent B&W Tow & Stow, part # BWTS10037B which would offer a rise of up to 5-1/2 inches or a drop of up to 5 inches. This would work well for most trailers you'd come across

expert reply by:
Mike L

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