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How to Check for a Bent Trailer Axle Spindle  


Other than by looking, is there a way to measure or determine with some level of precision if a welded on spindle is bent? I think maybe I can take a carpenters speed square and put it on the spindle and the other side against the brake drum backing plate and that will give me a pretty good idea if its bent. Any ideas? Thanks.


Expert Reply:

Assuming your tires are in good shape without any bulges the easiest way to determine if you have a bent spindle is to take a straight edge that is longer than the tire and lay it across the tire parallel with your trailer frame and then measure the distance from the frame to the straight edge in front and back of the tire. If the distance is the same then the spindle isn't bent.

Beyond that your best option would be to take the trailer to someone qualified in trailer repair to have them check the spindle alignment.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
Greg D. profile picture

Greg D.


I have a Midwest boat trailer that keeps wearing the inside tread of the right tire only left side wears perfect, I do have a kicker motor on the right rear of my boat any thoughts, my thinking is that the axle must be bent is there any way of checking this

JacobH profile picture

Jacob H.


There's a few different things that could be going on. You could have a bent spindle which is most commonly caused by curbing or overloading. The bearings could be going out on the right side which would cause the inside of the tire to wear unevenly. And lastly your axle may be bent. To check if your bearings are going out, you will need to lift the tire off of the ground and if there is any movement side to side then that means that there is play in the bearings and they need to be replaced. To check the spindles you can take both wheels of and compare the right side to the left and make sure they are at the same angle. Lastly, checking if your axle is bent you will need to take the wheels off and make sure the axle is level and sitting on level ground. You will then take a measurement from the ground to the end of the spindle. If the measurements are different, it means that your axle is bent.

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