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Curt Echo vs Tekonsha Prodigy RF Brake Controller for 2021 Toyota Highlander  


I have just bought a 2021 Highlander XLE V6 Gas, and now need an RF brake controller. Your website states that the Tekonsha Prodigy RF is not confirmed for my model and year. I dont understand what not confirmed means: when and how will it be confirmed to work - or not work? And my second question is what is the functional difference between the Curt ECHO and the Tekonsha Prodigy RF, particularly with respect to installation and the issue of loss of trailer braking functionality if the flashers are used while towing and not stopped. Looking at the Curt, it seems to me that one difference is that the CURT plugs into the 4-Pin at the tow vehicle sticking out rather a lot while the Tekonsha is mounted on the trailer both seem to plug into the 4-pin and have the 7-pin plugged into them. I do understand that I will need to buy a 7-pin plug and the adapter for the 4-pin plug that was installed with my OEM hitch received when I bought the car. Thank you for your help.


Expert Reply:

While the Curt Echo # C51180 and the Tekonsha RF brake controller have not officially been confirmed as a fit for your 2021 Highlander we know they will work due to the universal nature of both controllers. Basically as long as the vehicle has a 7-way installed on it either controller would function and work great.

For either you'd need the # ETBC7L since you have a 4-way currently and you'd be set.

Functionally they both work basically the same once setup but the Echo is much more easy to install since it just plugs in whereas the RV actually requires you to mount it on the trailer. Due to how they both interpret brake signal from the stop/turn signal circuits of the trailer wiring they both do pulse if emergency flashers are on.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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