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What Color Trailer Wires go to the Red, Black and White Taillight Wires  


So the original wires on trailer are down, yellow and white...... the new pig tail has red, black and white. Which wires go with each other. It’s a turn signal light


Expert Reply:

This is a common question we get on lights like the LED Trailer Tail Light with License Bracket part # 328-003-81LBM1. The original colors you have are the traditional trailer wiring code so brown=taillights, red=turn/brake and white is ground. On your new light black=taillights, red=turn/brake and white=ground.

You will connect brown to black, yellow to red and white to ground.

expert reply by:
Randy B
Tim D. profile picture

Tim D.


You said that the black wire is for tail lights—is the tail light the same as reverse light (which is “on” only when transmission is in the reverse gear)? If so, I want to connect my Apple CarPlay backup camera red wire to the input side black wire of the curt 56040 to switch the CarPlay screen to reverse camera view. Will this work? I assume the input side black wire is 12V when in reverse gear?

KevinC profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Kevin C.


@TimD The Curt # C56040 is only a 4-pole wire harness and wouldn't have a reverse light wire. You would just need to pull out one of the tail lights and splice your camera's power wire to the wire for your reverse light circuit. I'd use a diode # RM-690 to prevent any feedback from the camera to your tail light.

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