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Can Longer Shackle Straps be Added to Tandem Axle Trailer  


Hi I have a 2 axle trailer and I put 3 inch shackles on the front and back will it still work or is it not safe


Expert Reply:

When replacing shackle straps they should be the same length as the ones that were previously on your tandem axle trailer (if possible); replacing them with longer straps will result in additional play in your trailer suspension which could lead to additional wear or other issues and longer ones are not going to provide you with added benefit.

For a tandem axle trailer it is common to have 2-5/8" shackle straps such as part # 115052. I recommend using these if they were the same length as your previous shackle straps.

I added a link to our selection of shackle straps for you in case you had a different length, as well as a link to a help article on trailer suspension which I recommend checking out.

expert reply by:
Kyle S
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What if I have 3 shackle straps, can I go back to the 2.625 without any issues??

Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


Most likely this would be fine, but if the trailer currently uses 3" shackle straps it would be best just to stick with those to maintain current suspension performance. Is there a reason you want to move to shorter straps other than availability?

Dean S.


I needed to replace all the bolts, bushings and straps because im rebuilding and saw on the website that most tandem axles are 2.625. so I just switched..

Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


I see - that makes sense. I don't think the shorter units will cause any issues. Just be sure they're still long enough to have a nice upward angle when unloaded.

Philip F.


I have a question regarding spring position. I have an old Magic Trail boat trailer (twin axle) which I intend to renovate this year. It has 2x2 square axles and 20'' DE 3 leaf springs. The axles (with no load) appear are both slightly rotated and tip in toward the equalizer so the springs do not sit level. Is this normal / acceptable? The outermost hangers are about 2-1/4'' and the center hanger is 6" I was considering longer shackles but having read your earlier advice to Scott i'm not now sure.

Etrailer Expert

Kyle S.


@PhilipF Yep, this is normal. I would go ahead and keep the same length shackles as you have now.



@KyleS what does it mean when the axels have no load and springs should sit level? I’m trying to figure out the correct shackles as I had one side with small and one side with big. Do I jack the whole trailer off ground then look at the springs and detrimen the correct side ?
Etrailer Expert

Kyle S.


@Justin Yes, that would be the correct move to determine right ones. You definitely want them all to be the same size.
See All (4) Replies to Philip F. ∨

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