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Best Bike Rack for E-Bikes with Fenders Step Through Frame and 1-1/4 inch Hitch  


I just saw the RockyMounts HighNoon FC Solo Rack. What do you think about that one?


Helpful Expert Reply:

We have the perfect rack for carrying your e-bikes with fenders and step through frames! You will want the Thule Easy Fold XT part # TH903202. This rack will fit your 1-1/4 inch hitch, has frame clamps designed for your style of frame, is specifically intended for e-bikes, and comes with ramps to make loading/unloading the heavier bikes (which it is rated for) easier. I attached a picture of the rack carrying a bike just like yours for you to check out as well.

expert reply by:
Jameson C
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Becky J. profile picture

Becky J.


I just saw the Thule T1 bike Platform Rack. What do you think about that one?

JamesonC profile picture

Jameson C.


The Thule T1 # TH9041 is a solid single bike rack that has a 60 lb capacity but it grabs the bikes by the wheel and would not be compatible with a bike with fenders. The Saris Freedom part # SA4412B might another option you could consider. It has a 60 lb per bike capacity and grabs the bikes by the frame.
Keith E. profile picture

Keith E.


Hi, I have a 2" receiver. Looking to buy a step through electric bike with fenders. About 55 or 60lbs. Was also thinking about a cargo basket. Not sure if ratchet straps would hold it upright.

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


The above-mentioned Thule EasyFold XT Bike Rack # TH903202 would work really well for this type of bike but there are some more economically friendly options available as well. I don't really recommend using a cargo basket because stability can be a big concern. I recommend taking a look at the Saris Freedom # SA4412B. It features a similar clamp system that can grab onto that step-thru frame and it can handle two bikes that are up to 60 pounds each.
Frank S. profile picture

Frank S.


Hi--We are looking for a bike rack for two Nakto e-bikes, one with a step through and one "male" style. About 50 pounds each. While a 2-bike rack might be OK, we would prefer the option of adding two non-e-bikes as well in case the kids or friends want to take a ride. The e-bikes have fenders and a storage rack on the back. Suggestions?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


Would there be any way to decrease the weight of those e-bikes a bit by removing the battery? The reason I ask is that we don't really have a 4-bike rack available that's both a frame mount (needed to avoid those fenders) and has the needed capacity to handle two 50 pound bikes. The best option we have available is the Swagman Quad # S64FR. It features a 45 pound per-bike capacity and can easily be converted to a 2-bike rack when the kids or friends aren't coming along. You'll need to add an adapter bar like # UB01 for your step-thru bike.
Mary V. profile picture

Mary V.


I have a similar situation - 2 step thru e-bikes. Although we have not installed a hitch yet and have flexibility on the size. The batteries are quite large and attached to the down tube. Do either of these options have the flexibility to attach on the seat tube?

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


The clamps on the Thule EasyFold XT # TH903202 are extremely versatile. They can be adjusted to attach to just about any portion of the bike, including the seat tube, which makes it really nice for e-bikes like yours that have either a really thick down frame that's just too large or the battery itself gets in the way for a good attachment there.
TomL profile picture

Tom L.


@ChrisR We purchased 2 Reise Mueller Nevos and then the Thule Easy fold based on the bike shops recommendations. Even they couldn't make it work. We are returning it. The trays are too short and not adjustable left to right, making the down tubes interfere with the second clamp. The ramp is MUCH too short to be of any use. On the car, the ramp ends up at about a 45% angle to the ground. May as well pick up the bike. This might work well for some bikes, but it was a BIG disapointment to us.
LesD profile picture

Les D.


@TomL I watched a comparison video and you are right, not every bike rack works well with all bikes. You comment will help future viewers. In the case of these bikes a hook clamp over the cross bar or tires would probably work better.
Debbie profile picture



We just purchase two 2020's Civi Cheetah's. They say their weight is 80 lbs. each. What bike rack is available for these big boys without breaking the bank? We have a standard reece hitch.

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


With the large frames on the Cheetahs, you'll definitely need to go with a wheel mount option. One of the highest-capacity wheel mount carrier we have available is the Hollywood Racks RV Rider # HLY64FR which can handle up to two 80 lb bikes. I really like this rack because of the adjustable arms that allow you to secure a wide range of bike frame styles.

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