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What is the Trailer Tire Metric Equivalent to a 4.80 x 12 Trailer Tire  


I would like to know what size auto tire would be for a 4.80x12


Expert Reply:

The closest metric trailer tire size to a 4.80x12 is going to be a 145/80-12. The typical diameter of a 4.80x12 tire is 20.5 inches. On a 145/80-12, it is 21.3 inches. So the metric size will be a little over 1/4 inch taller. Make sure to measure the clearance around the tire to make sure it will fit.

These two different sizes fit a 4 inch rim, but have different load capacities. The metric tire has higher capacities. You will still need to make sure you stay within the limits of the trailer axle(s).

The only tire and wheel combo we have in a 145/80-12 with a 4 on 4 bolt pattern is the Kenda KR25, # AM31208. The only tire we carry in 145/80-12 is # AM10130. If you have 12 inch wheels that are 4 inches wide from bead to bead, then you will not have to replace the wheels. A local tire shop can put the tires on for you.

I have incldued a link to our trailer tire and wheel FAQ articles for you to view.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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