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Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector

Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector

Part Number: F4CT
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Circuit tester plugs into your 4-way flat trailer wiring harness and identifies lighting problems. Labeled LED lights illuminate to show which functions are working properly. 1-800-940-8924 to order Brophy electrical tools part number F4CT or order online at Free expert support on all Brophy products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector. Electrical Tools reviews from real customers.
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Brophy Electrical Tools - F4CT

  • Testers
  • Circuit Tester
  • Tow Function Tester
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Circuit tester plugs into your 4-way flat trailer wiring harness and identifies lighting problems. Labeled LED lights illuminate to show which functions are working properly.


  • Circuit tester plugs into your trailer's wiring harness to check the conductivity of all the circuits between your vehicle and your trailer
    • Quickly identifies lighting problems
  • Labeled LED lights indicate which functions are working properly
    • Tail: tail lights
    • LT: left turn signal and brakes
    • RT: right turn signal and brakes

F4CT Brophy 4-Way Flat Circuit Tester

Video of Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector

Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.

Video Transcript for Hands-On with the Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector

Hey there hollers. Today, we're going to be taking a look at Brophy's LED Circuit Tester. It's available in a 4-pole or 5-pole connection. Before you hit the road with your trailer, we always recommend testing things out to make sure it's working properly. One of the most important things to test out is the lighting so that others know your intentions around you while you're going down the road. Here at etrailer, we recommend testing your light at the source, which is your vehicle.

That's where this Brophy 4-Pole Flat Connector comes in, because when you plug in your trailer and you have a fault on your trailer, you're not going to necessarily know where the fault lies.With our Brophy 4-Pole tester we can eliminate the variable of our trailer and determine whether or not our vehicle side is working. We simply plug it into our 4-pole connection and then we can run through our functions. You'll want to make sure you have your left turn signal, your right turn signal, your tail lights and your brake lights. Now that you know that your vehicle's working properly, if there we're any problems with the lighting on your trailers end, you can isolate it just to your trailer, make those repairs, and then you're ready to hit the road. And that's going to complete our look at Brophy's LED Circuit Tester..

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Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector - F4CT

Average Customer Rating:  4.9 out of 5 stars   (272 Customer Reviews)

Circuit tester plugs into your 4-way flat trailer wiring harness and identifies lighting problems. Labeled LED lights illuminate to show which functions are working properly.


















Works well. Simple to use.


Works as advertised


Works great.


Works great. Thank you




This little attachment works great.


Outstanding as usual!! I won’t go anywhere else!!


nice tool to have handy.

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  • What Can Be Used To Test Your Trailer Connectors For Functionality
    Hi Ken, You can use a test light # PTW2993, multimeter # PT89ZR, 7-Way to RV Socket LED Circuit Tester # C73NR, 4-pole light tester # F4CT, or any other type of tester that can read DC voltage to test your 4-pole or 7-way socket.
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  • 4 Pole Circuit Tester Power Source
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  • Availability of Tester for 4-Pole Trailer Connector
    You bet we do! You'll need part # F4CT from CR Brophy. If you use the provided link, you can see a demonstration video.
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  • Troubleshooting Trailer Turn Signals On a 2015 Honda Odyssey That Aren't Working
    The Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness with 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector # C56378 needs to have 3.0 amps per side, so it looks like your turn signals are not pulling enough power. To test your 4-pole connector, I recommend using the Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector # F4CT. This will plug into your existing 4-pole and quickly and easily check the conductivity of all the circuits. You can also reference the FAQ I've attached to this answer page to dive a bit deeper.
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  • Troubleshooting No Runnings Lights After Optronics LED Combination Tail Light Kit Installation
    Thank you for purchasing the LED Combination Tail Light Kit for Trailers under 80" Wide # TLL9RK! To troubleshoot a certain light function on your trailer you definitely want to start off by checking your connections and grounds which is sounds like you've already done. After that the next step is determining which end of the wiring the issue lies on. To figure this out you can use a tester like the Brophy # F4CT on the vehicle side. For the trailer side you'll need to apply 12V power...
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  • Sporadic Lighting Functions for Trailer Lights on a 2017 Ford Edge
    For starters, the Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness part # C56292 is for a 2017 Ford Edge with the Sport and Titanium package. If you have the SE and SEL package on your 2017 Ford Edge then you will want to use the Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness part # C56272. With that being said an LED trailer connector tester like part # F4CT do not always work with all trailer wiring harnesses so this could be the issue. I would ensure that the circuits are working by testing them with...
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  • No Right Stop/Turn Signals With Curt T-Connector Harness C56225 On a 2015 Nissan Frontier
    It sounds like you are using some sort of plug-in LED tester like the Brophy Circuit Tester for 4-Pole Flat Trailer Connector part # F4CT and if that is the case then these are not always accurate and Tekonsha even recommends against using these, so you really need to do your testing with a incandescent circuit tester like the Draw-Tite Circuit Tester part # PTW2993. If you still do not get power on the right stop/turn circuit even with a standard circuit tester then be sure to give all...
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    I emailed Alpena to get some clarification on their Alpena Trailblaze Tailgate LED Lights, part # ALP77229. I was told that the placement of the LED lights will not block or interfere with the BLIS sensors. However, the newer model years of the Ford trucks, may think that a lightbar is really a trailer when they are hooked up to the 4-way connector due to the power draw of the lights. Alpena has not seen that be an issue with the Trailblaze Tailgate LED Lights, but the lights were launched...
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  • Can You Test the Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness With a Volt Meter
    Yes, you can use a volt meter to test a trailer wiring harness like the Curt T-Connector Vehicle Wiring Harness. You'd simply be looking for around 12 volts on the circuit you have activated. The other ways we recommend testing are with a more basic test light like part # PTW2993 or plug in tester like part # F4CT. The harness don't read resistance on the circuit or anything so as long as you have power to the module box and the signal is activated in the vehicle then you will see power...
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  • Right Turn Signal & Running Light No Working After Replacement
    We can resolve this issue. This seems like a 12-volt continuity to the lights, or a grounding issue at the lights themselves. Since you are having trouble with two different wires, but not all lights, I would double check your 12-volts to the right turn signal/brake light which is the green wire. I would also check the brown wire for the running lights. At the connector on the back of your vehicle check for 12 volts with your vehicle lights turned on. Then with the blinkers turned on....
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  • Troubleshooting Always On Trailer Lights When Brake Controller Is In Use
    I would start by checking your 4-way connector, part # F4CT, and the 7-way connector part # PK12741. These wiring harnesses should be connected directly to the battery, not spliced into the wiring system. I would check this first. If everything is connected properly, I will start to troubleshoot on the vehicle side. Whether it is a problem with the ground, a short in the wire, or rust or corrosion at a connector. It appears that your vehicle's light circuit is always at continuous power...
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