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Converting RV From 30 Amp To 50 Amp  


can this 50 amp power inlet be used to replace the 30:amp inlet? i noticed the wiring grid on the back of the inlet plug is different than the 50 amp wire connector holes on the back of the inlet… is this a simple swap out from existing 30 amp to upgrade to 50 amp? planning to purchase with smart lock 50 amp power cord, and progressive 50 amp /90 amp capacity power control center, and maybe going for the lithium battery upgrade as well… please advise on all parts needed, thanks a lot!


Helpful Expert Reply:

Short answer, yes you can convert from 30amp to 50 amp. It will be costly and require an electrician.

Long answer, you will need to replace the power outlet with SmartPlug RV and Marine Power Inlet - 50 Amp - Stainless Steel # SM79FR. Then replace the existing wiring to accommodate for the extra amps.

You will need a new power cord like SmartPlug RV Power Cord - 125/250V - 50 Amp - 30' # SM86FR.

You will need a control center like Progressive Dynamics RV Power Control Center with AC/DC Panel and Converter/Smart Charger - 90 Amp # PD4590K18LS8.

I highly recommend contacting a certified electrician to advise and install your parts to make sure it is safe and up to code.

If you want lithium batteries I suggest the RV Lithium Battery # GP99QR. You can chain them together to make a battery bank if you want to go that route.

expert reply by:
David B

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