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Comparing etrailer/AxleTek and Dexter Electric Brake Assemblies  


Greetings: Can you tell me the difference between the Dexter assembly and the e-Trailer Assemblies: Dexter 23-459 e-Trailer AKEBRK-7L-SA


Helpful Expert Reply:

The biggest difference between Dexter brake assembly # 23-459 and etrailer/AxleTek assembly # AKEBRK-7L-SA is the pad material. The Dexter assemblies use pads that are snapped off of a long strand of the material. The ones on the etrailer assemblies are cut.

The benefit of cutting the pads to length is that they have clean edges and that means you won't see those fine line cracks in the material or pad corners breaking off so the pads last longer. The pads are also a little thicker on the etrailer assemblies. And of course the etrailer assemblies cost less.

The matching right side etrailer assembly is # AKEBRK-7R-SA. I have linked a video review for you.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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