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Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks for E Track - Powder Coated Steel - Qty 2

Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks for E Track - Powder Coated Steel - Qty 2

Part Number: EM09162-2
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Rust-resistant steel wheel chocks help stabilize an ATV, UTV, car, or truck that's tied down in your truck bed or trailer. The E track fittings allow you to easily move the chocks to different anchor slots on horizontal E track. 1-800-940-8924 to order Erickson e track part number EM09162-2 or order online at Free expert support on all Erickson products. Great prices and Fastest Shipping for Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks for E Track - Powder Coated Steel - Qty 2. E Track reviews from real customers.
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Erickson E Track - EM09162-2

  • E Track Wheel Chocks
  • Erickson

Rust-resistant steel wheel chocks help stabilize an ATV, UTV, car, or truck that's tied down in your truck bed or trailer. The E track fittings allow you to easily move the chocks to different anchor slots on horizontal E track.


  • E track wheel chocks help stabilize a vehicle that's tied down in your truck bed or trailer
    • Work great for race cars, hot rods, ATVs, UTVs, and more
    • Pair perfectly with E track tie-down straps (sold separately)
  • Movable chocks can be installed anywhere along horizontal E track (sold separately)
    • Pull spring-loaded lever to quickly secure chock to E track anchor slot
    • Remove and reinstall chock as needed
  • Durable steel construction
  • Yellow powder coat finish is corrosion resistant


  • Quantity: 2 wheel chocks
  • Overall dimensions (per chock): 8-1/2" long x 6-3/8" wide x 4-1/2" tall
  • 90-Day warranty

E-Chock Being Installed on E Track

E-Chocks help stabilize race cars, hot rods, ATVs, UTVs, and other wheeled equipment that's tied down in your truck bed or trailer. And unlike other wheel chocks that have to be permanently installed, these wheel chocks can be quickly and easily moved to different anchor slots on horizontal E Track (sold separately). This means that you can easily adjust your setup depending on what you're hauling. The spring-loaded levers on the E Track fittings let you snap the wheel chocks into place and then remove them when you need to install them into different anchor slots. These chocks are perfect for use with E Track tie-down straps (sold separately).

09162 Erickson Manufacturing Moveable E-Chock E-Track Wheel Chocks - Steel - Qty 2

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Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks for E Track - Powder Coated Steel - Qty 2 - EM09162-2

Average Customer Rating:  4.7 out of 5 stars   (508 Customer Reviews)

Rust-resistant steel wheel chocks help stabilize an ATV, UTV, car, or truck that's tied down in your truck bed or trailer. The E track fittings allow you to easily move the chocks to different anchor slots on horizontal E track.










by: 05/26/2023
















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  • How Does Smart Fortwo Get Secured to Aluma Trailer Using E-Tracks
    I attached the picture I believe you were referencing for securing a Smart car too a Aluma trailer using E-track. The straps used in the picture are the Erickson Adjustable Wheel Net with E-Track Fittings # 77314 which basically just snap into place into the slots of the E-tracks and then the ratchet tightens the straps to the tires. I also attached a second picture that shows a closer angle for you to check out to see more. We also have wheel chocks that fit into e-track as well that would...
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  • Can E-Track be Installed in Car Hauler for Multiple Car Widths
    You can install the Erickson Horizontal E-Track # E19148 in any manner you like, so for a car hauler that has cars of different widths you can place E-track side-by-side, as you can see one of our customers did in the accompanying photo. This E-track is only 5-1/8" wide so you can install numerous different tracks to meet as many widths as possible. For additional support I do recommend using the E-Track Backing Plate # BPEZ during your install. This would be the best option and then you...
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  • Jeep Wrangler Tie Down Recommendation
    Thanks for your pictures! That's what Wranglers are meant for. At 4500 pounds, the weight of the secured cargo would exceed the combined safe working load limit of 1,100lbs per tire of the straps being used on the Erickson E-Track Tie-Down Kit w/ 2 Ratchet Straps with Roller Idlers and 2 Wheel Chocks EM58523-09162. I would instead recommend the Erickson Car Tie-Down Kit # 08504-05. These straps feature twisted flat hooks that will help to keep the strap straight and flat along with...
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  • Best Tie Down Method for Transporting Luxury Vehicles
    The best way to secure you Ferrari F430 to a trailer will involve an E-Track system. For this you are going to want a few items. First you will want a set of tracks like the Erickson Horizontal E-Track part # EM19147. You will want four of them, one under each wheel. You will then want to use a set of tie-downs compatible with these tracks and for that the Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap with Roller Idler and Ratchet part # EM58523 will be your best option. You will again want a...
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  • Recommended Products to Haul Vintage Autos on Flat Bed Trailer
    The Pack'Em Wheel Tie-Down Kit for Truck Beds and Trailers - 30" Tires - 800 lbs # PK-WTD is a great option for a versatile system. Another option is to use E-track like # EM19147 and # e96RR. With this track you can then use the wheel chocks # EM09162-2 or the Erickson ATV E-Track Tie-Down Kit w/ Ratchet Straps and Wheel Chocks - 1,500 lbs # EM09160. I've attached the link to all the E-track tie-down options as they are extensive.
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  • Will the etrailer Horizontal E-Tracks Work for Securing a Vehicle and Does Every Hole Need Be Used
    The etrailer Horizontal E-Tracks like part # e42VR are a great option for securing vehicles especially when combined with the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks part # EM09162-2 and Erickson E-Track Strap with Ratchet part # EM59136. I don't really have an exact answer for you in regards to the number of screws needed as this has been difficult information to get from the manufacturer sicne there are soo many variables but the closer you are to the weight capacity of the track, the closer you...
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  • Can Wheel Nets or Wheel Straps be Used With Wheel Chocks on E-Track
    You can use either wheel nets or wheel straps with the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chock for E-Track # EM09162 (this is a quantity of one strap but can be ordered in a pair at part # EM09162-2). I recommend the Erickson Adjustable Wheel Net with E-Track Fittings - 1,166 lbs # 77314 or Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap with Roller Idler and Ratchet - 2" x 12' - 1,100 lbs # EM58523. For a kit I recommend the Erickson E-Track Tie-Down Kit w/ 2 Ratchet Straps with Roller Idlers and 2 Wheel...
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  • How is the Working Load Limit Calculated on the Erickson EM58523-09162-4?
    I spoke to Erickson and they were very informative. That being said, the Breaking Strength and Working Load Limit will be the same for every manufacturer with the basic rule to ensure safety of 3:1. So with the # EM58523-09162-4 having a breaking strength of 3,300 pounds, the safe working load is therein 1,100 pounds. I did also ask if they had anything similar to these in a higher capacity, but they do not have anything at the moment. The e-track connections do limit the maximum weight...
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  • Erickson E-Track Tie Down for a 33 Size Tire
    Although we don't have any kits for a 33" tire you can use the 2" x 12' Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap # EM58523 along with the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks # EM09162-2 to essentially create your own kit. The tie down strap has a safe working load limit (WLL) of 1,100 lbs and a maximum load (break strength) of 3,300 lbs. These install in the Erickson E-Tracks like part # E19148.
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  • Weight Rating
    The manufacturer does not provide a weight rating for the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chock for E-Track, # EM09162. These are designed with overall dimensions of 8-1/2" long x 6-3/8" wide x 4-1/2" tall and to be used with a tie-down strap. The purpose is to provide a wedge/stop point of tire while the strap or wheel net holds item in place.
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  • Can Wheel of Vehicle Rest on E-Track When Using Wheel Chocks
    Yes, the wheel of a motorcycle or bicycle can rest on an e-track no problem.
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  • E-Track Chocks and Tie-Downs for 32 Inch Tires on a Side by Side
    We don't have a kit for 32 inch tires but you can use a few short sections of E-track such as # EM19145 or # ET4S with Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap # EM58523. And you could add a couple of chocks for E-Track using # EM09162-2.
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  • Hardware For Installing E-Tracks on Marine Plywood Trailer Deck
    Because of their versatility there isn't a specific type of wood screw that's recommended when installing the Erickson E-Tracks like # E19148. The screw length will depend on the thickness of your trailer deck but for thinner marine plywood I do recommend adding Backing Plates # e96RR to reinforce the connection. I have attached a sample install video as well that you might also find helpful.
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  • Wheel Net Recommendation for a Polaris RZR with 27x9R-14 Front Tires and 27x11R-14 Rear Tires
    For your tires, I recommend going with the Erickson Wheel Net, # 77314. This wheel net will accommodate your front and rear tires and they will have more than enough capacity to hold your RZR to the E-track system on your trailer. Another items that we've found very helpful when loading ATVs and UTVs is the Erickson E-Chock, # EM09162-2. I typically try to park the UTV in the same spot over the axles to make sure I have the correct weight distribution on the trailer and these chocks make...
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  • Single Erickson E-Chock Versus Kit
    The cost of the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks for E-Track - Powder Coated Steel - Qty 2 # EM09162-2 and the single # EM09162 vary from the manufacturer. We adjust our prices based on the manufacturer to attempt to keep the cost the lowest for all our customers. They are the same product, so whichever is a lower price at any given time would be my recommendation.
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  • Can Erickson E-Chock be Used on a 1994 Land Cruiser with 37 Inch Tires
    You could use chock # EM09162-2 with a wheel strap such as # EM58523 but considering the size of the tires on your 1994 Land Cruiser rock crawler I would not use this as the primary method of securing the vehicle to the trailer. I like the idea of using the chock as a chock and still using axle straps much better.
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  • Strap Recommendation for Use with Erickson Wheel Chock # EM09162-2
    The strap I would recommend is the part # EM58523 with the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks # EM09162-2 that you referenced. This strap attaches to the slots of the E-track like the chocks so it will install easily and work well.
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  • Can Erickson Mini E-Track Plate be Used as Tie-Down for UTV or ATV
    Yes, you can use the Erickson Mini E-Track Plate # EM09134 with E-Track ratchet straps such as the CargoSmart Ratchet Straps for E-Track - 1" x 6' - 500 lbs # 3481717 or Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap with Roller Idler and Ratchet - 2" x 12' - 1,100 lbs # EM58523, though you would not be able to use wheel chocks. I went out and test fit the plate with the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks # EM09162-2 and found they would not fit. So if you were okay with not using wheel chocks - for...
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  • Wheel Chocks Needed For 26" Diameter Wheels
    Hey Michael, The Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks for E Track # EM09162-2 are the only e-track mounted wheel chocks that we currently offer. What are you trying to secure to your trailer? Is this a ATV, riding mower, or a passenger vehicle?
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  • Are the Erickson Horizontal E-Tracks Strong Enough for a 5,000 lb Vehicle
    Yes, the Erickson Horizontal E-Track part # E19148 will be plenty strong enough to secure your two rock crawler buggies. The tracks are each rated at 6,000 lbs max break strength and 2,000 working load limit. I assume you would have a track under each wheel so these figures would then be doubled. With that in mind, the weight capacity of these tracks in is regards to pull strength. The full weight of the vehicle should never be directly pulling on the tracks unless you were to hang them...
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  • What Does Working Load Limit Mean for E-Track
    Good question and the 2,000 lb working load limit (WLL) of the Erickson Horizontal E-Track such as the 5 foot # E19148 is the safe limit for the weight of the cargo the track is helping secure. To simplify, it is the cargo capacity that the track can safely handle so you do not want to exceed it. However, the 2,000 lb limit is per track, so that means if you put down two tracks horizontally, your WLL would go up to 4,000 lbs. This track cannot actually be welded on, it needs to be secured...
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  • How To Secure a Can-Am Spyder On a Trailer
    I am not sure what products you are referring to but the most safe, secure, and easy tie down method we offer for your Can-Am Spyder is a combination of the Erickson Horizontal E-Track part # EM19147 (3), the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks part # EM09162-2 (2 or 3), and the Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap part # EM58523 (3). The E-Tracks will get installed on the trailer and under each of the three wheels. You will then place the front E-Chocks on the E-Track to help you guide your...
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  • How To Secure a Can-Am Spyder On a Trailer
    I am not sure what products you are referring to but the most safe, secure, and easy tie down method we offer for your Can-Am Spyder is a combination of the Erickson Horizontal E-Track part # EM19147 (3), the Erickson E-Chock Wheel Chocks part # EM09162-2 (2 or 3), and the Erickson E-Track Wheel Tie-Down Strap part # EM58523 (3). The E-Tracks will get installed on the trailer and under each of the three wheels. You will then place the front E-Chocks on the E-Track to help you guide your...
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  • Tie Down Solution for Corvette on Open Car Hauler
    This question is refined by several decisions. What will you use for tie down points on the Corvette? What will you use for tie down points on the trailer? How easy do you want it to be. Finally, what looks good. If you are OK with climbing under your car each time to hook into the car and then connect to the edge of the trailer, you can simply use the QuickLoader # Q64FR ratchet straps. You will need to consult your Owner's Manual or Manufacturer for appropriate tie down locations...
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