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Can Roadmaster Dual Hitch Receiver Adapter be Used to Flat Tow & Carry Bikes/Kayaks  


I have a YAKUP 2 Kayaks and 2 bicycles carrier. Can I use this Hi/Lo receiver with the 10inch /rise behind my Motorhome and flat tow a Jeep unlimited? Thx


Expert Reply:

Hi Jack,

The Roadmaster Dual Hitch Receiver Adapter # RM23SR was designed to do exactly what mentioned - flat tow while also using a rack or cargo carrier of some kind.

That said, it's important to note the # RM23SR has a 400 lb tongue weight capacity. That isn't an issue with flat towing, as there is very little tongue weight (mostly the weight of the tow bar) due to the vehicle supporting itself on all four wheels, but your loaded kayak and bike carrier need to be under the tongue weight capacity of the adapter.

I assume it is, but you definitely want to double check to ensure you aren't overloading the adapter. If you're good to go there, then the only other thing you'll need is a hitch lock to secure the adapter to your hitch, and for that use Trailer Hitch Receiver Lock for 2" Hitch # e98882.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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