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How Much Sag is OK Before Weight Distribution Hitch is Needed  


if I make measurements from the fender to the ground on my truck with and without my trailer attached, how much height variation is acceptable before I need a weight distribution hitch?


Expert Reply:

That's an excellent question, and the answer is there isn't a hard-and-fast number that means a weight distribution hitch is required. The best way to assess this is if the sag is noticeable, either visually or when towing. You really want to be as close to level as possible, but is 1/4 inch of sag going to be something you notice? Probably not. But if you can see your tow vehicle's back end drop down, or if you are towing and notice the vehicle is more difficult to handle, you need a weight distribution system.

The reason is, when your tow vehicle sags, that means the front wheels are not making even, full contact with the ground, resulting in reduced traction, more difficulty steering, and poorer braking. Getting back as level as possible when towing will make handing your tow vehicle easier, and results in a safer towing experience.

If you find yourself needing a weight distribution hitch, you will first need to know your total tongue weight (TTW), which is the tongue weight of your fully loaded and ready to go trailer plus the weight of any cargo behind the rear axle (if any) of your tow vehicle. The tongue weight is typically between 10% and 15% of your trailer's GVWR but you'll want to verify it by using a scale such as the etrailer Tongue Weight Scale # e99044.

For example, if your total tongue weight was 700 lbs a great option would be the Fastway e2 # FA92-00-0800 which is for TTW between 400 lbs and 800 lbs. If you let me know what your TTW is I would be happy to make a recommendation for you so you can get the correct system.

I have also added links below to help articles on weight distribution which I recommend checking out, and a link to our entire selection of weight distribution hitches.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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