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Replacement Idler Hubs for 4 x 7 Tarter Utility Trailer  


I am looking for a wheel hub assembly for a Tarter brand 4 x 7 utility trailer. According to the sticker on it, it has a 2000 lb cambered axle. Thanks


Expert Reply:

A 2000 lb axle uses a straight spindle, with both the inner and outer bearing being the same size. The hubs needed will depend on the number of lugs your current hubs have and which inner/outer wheel bearings are used. I'll give you a run-down on the possibilities below.

If you have a 4 lug wheels, and a L44643 inner and outer bearing, you'd use # AKIHUB-440-2-1K for 5 lug wheels, use
# AKIHUB-545-2-1K. Both fit wheels from 8 to 12 inches.

If you have the L44649 inner and outer bearing, use # AKIHUB-440-2-2K for a 4 bolt wheel or # AKIHUB-545-2-2K for a 5 bolt wheel. Either is compatible with 8-12 inch wheels, and all the hubs I mentioned include the bearings, races, grease seals, dust cover and lug nuts.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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