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Adding a 7-Way Trailer Connector and Brake Controller to a 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser  


i want to install a brake controller on my FJ. What are all the parts necessary to make best installation happen? I need everything from He controller back to a 7-pin plug. Thanks!


Expert Reply:

To add a 7-Way trailer connector and brake controller to your 2007 Toyota FJ Cruiser there are a few parts you will need. First, if the FJ does not have any sort of trailer connector already you will start by adding a 4-Way flat connector, # 118405. If it already has a 4-Way skip to the next paragraph.

Once the 4-Way is installed you will then need # ETBC7 to add the 7-Way and wiring/accessories to make the 7-Way active and install a brake controller. I have included some links that show and explain the ETBC7 installation for you.

For a brake controller I recommend the P2 # 90885 because it is easy to set up and use and it is reliable.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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