Spring latch is ideal for securing large trailer tailgates, ramps, and other heavy-duty doors. Cone-style latch pin slides into the keeper even if it's not lined up correctly. Reversible design works on either side of your tailgate.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, neighbor. This is Brad at etrailer and today we're looking at the Paneloc Heavy Duty Spring Latch system that is zinc coated. For those looking for added protection, we also have a stainless steel option. So if you have a trailer that you use on a regular basis, a lot of times we're not so fortunate to be able to store it inside so it sits outside in the elements, which in turn can cause corrosion, as you see. Same with the hardware. A product is only as good as its hardware sometimes, and honestly, the hardware can make a difference of ease of loading or just the overall feel of the quality of a trailer.
Something else you might consider needing new hardware would be adding your own attachments to the back for repurposing a trailer for something. In this case, loading a golf cart. So this bracket itself, pretty simple, two mounting holes. You have a compression pin here that acts as a lock. If you've ever loaded a trailer by yourself, it can get kinda tricky.
A lot of your attachments can get heavy, so you catch yourself in a position while you're trying to put it up. If the pins are down, you're having to do the dance in between 'em. So something cool with that locking system is you can do one at a time, drop down. Same thing. You can load your golf cart, in this instance.
Put this up. I can walk over here, take my time, and boom, one-person system. So something to take in consideration with this kit and something that you'll have to have some forethought before putting it on is, it does not come with hardware. So what we're using since we have a 5/16 hole is a 5/16 bolt, roughly about an inch long. Depending on your situation, your bracket, metal, it could change.
The 5/16 hole, we're gonna put this through. And here we have a flat washer and a nylon locking nut. Nylons are good, especially on a trailer that has a lot of vibration. You don't want that working out and all of a sudden your hitch pin coming out. So we'll get this tightened up. You're gonna need to find a bracket or fabricate your own bracket for your needs if your trailer doesn't have one, so make sure you match the 1/2 inch hole, maybe a little larger. Something that's nice about this pin, as you can see, it's tapered in so you don't have to have a direct shot in, so it should make for an easy drop in. Something else. This construction, it is steel. It is zinc coated. Zinc coating helps protect it from the elements for a pretty long time. It does a great job. So something to think about when you're buying these for your trailer would be left hand or right hand so these mirror each other, so obviously one side will go to the other. But the way to determine that, if you look at the front face of it, see where the pin is It's on the right and that's your right-hand side. This is the opposite side, so as you can see looking at the front, it's on the left. So the product itself has very good feel to it. As you can see, spring deck is good. A little squeaking, but nothing terrible. You may have some binding issues but part of that could be your hole not big enough, your alignment off, so really making sure when you fabricate it on your trailer, you do a good job to square it up. So that's a look at our Paneloc Heavy Duty Spring Latch with Hold Back. So, if you are fabricating your own trailer as this is, or you just want a refresh on the hardware on your existing trailer, having a nice new touch point for something that you use a lot and not having a latch hang up while trying to load is something that's totally worth it. Thanks for watching..
Average Customer Rating: 4.9 out of 5 stars (167 Customer Reviews)
Spring latch is ideal for securing large trailer tailgates, ramps, and other heavy-duty doors. Cone-style latch pin slides into the keeper even if it's not lined up correctly. Reversible design works on either side of your tailgate.
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