This enclosure attaches directly to your MORryde camping kitchen with storage compartment to store your gear safely and efficiently. Height adjustments let the enclosure store up to a 50 qt refrigerator. Rugged steel construction.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, there. I'm Michael with Today, we're gonna take a quick look at this MORryde adjustable enclosure for your MORryde camping kitchen. This is going to attach directly to your camping kitchen, and it will provide a storage space for your cooler or refrigerator. It's gonna help to protect your refrigerator or cooler and still allow you to use your camp kitchen. So as you can see in the picture there, we've got it set up on our camping kitchen, and then we've got that Truma cooler in there so you can see how this would be used.
So this is an adjustable height. So we've got several different height settings along the top here. And then we could very easily just take out these bolts and nuts, and adjust that height to accommodate up to a 50 quart refrigerator or electric cooler, and this is going to provide nice sturdy shell for our cooler. So we're not gonna have to worry about getting dinged or scratched up. It's also going to kind of hold space for our cooler so we don't have to worry about our other gear kind of settling in as we're traveling, and then having a hard time pulling our cooler out, and when we get to our campsite.
So this is going to give us a defined space for our cooler, and it will very easily allow us to pull our cooler back out. On the side here, you can see we've got our Molly panel that's going to allow us to mount extra gear. Your roto packs, water containers or kitchen utensils there for extra storage. Make sure everything is organized for you. This is going to have a nice rugged steel construction.
It's made here in the USA, so you can trust it. It's gonna be a good quality. It's got a black powder coat finish to it, so it's going to resist corrosion. They do include the hardware that you're gonna need to get this attached to your MORryde camping kitchen. As far as our dimensions go, our overall width here, we're looking at right about 18 inches wide.
Our height is approximately 25, and three quarters of an inch, but of course that is going to be altered once you get this mounted on your camp kitchen, it's gonna raise that up just a little bit. And then our overall length, we include this back brake panel here. It's going to give us an overall length of approximately, 23 and three quarters of an inch. So because this is a MORryde product, you can trust it is going to very easily integrate with your MORryde Camp Kitchen. You're not gonna have to worry about compatibility issues or anything like that, and it's just a very easy way to add some extra protection for your cooler or refrigerator, and make sure that nothing's gonna get bumped into it as you're traveling, Especially if you're gonna be doing off-roading and that sort of thing. I'm making sure that it's going to be well-protected for you. So that concludes our look for today. Again, I'm Michael with Thanks for watching.
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (3 Customer Reviews)
This enclosure attaches directly to your MORryde camping kitchen with storage compartment to store your gear safely and efficiently. Height adjustments let the enclosure store up to a 50 qt refrigerator. Rugged steel construction.Made it to fit my refrigerator. Can store things on top of it.
The purchase experience was seamless. Delivery was prompt. Packaging was adequate. I would have no hesitation to purchase from you again
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