If your dust boot is damaged, you might need to replace this seal along with it to help keep contaminants out of your piston. Fits DeeMaxx calipers for 3,500-lb to 6,000-lb axles.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, there, I'm Michael with etrailer.com. Today, we're gonna take a quick look at this DeeMaxx replacement rubber piston seal. This is gonna replace the piston seal on your DeeMaxx disc brake caliper. It will fit the models with the axle capacity of 3,500 to 6,000 pounds. It is constructed of rubber and it is an exact replacement from DeeMaxx so you don't have to worry about fit issues or compatibility problems. It's gonna fit right in place of that original.
But just to give you a little extra reassurance, you can see our outside width, we're looking at about, or diameter rather, we're looking at about 2.5 inches. Our inside diameter is about two and a quarter of an inch and because it is approximately 1/8 of an inch thick. So if you are needing to replace that rubber piston seal for one of your DeeMaxx disc brake calipers, this is gonna be exactly what you need. That completes our look for today. Again, I'm Michael with etrailer.com.
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If your dust boot is damaged, you might need to replace this seal along with it to help keep contaminants out of your piston. Fits DeeMaxx calipers for 3,500-lb to 6,000-lb axles.
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