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Will a Brake Controller Draw Enough Power When Not in Use To Drain a Car Battery  


Hello! If I connect the brake controller directly to the battery, is there no risk to drain the battery? What is the stand-by current consumption?


Expert Reply:

The brake controllers available now either are only on when they are activated, or a have a timed shut-off or idle state after a certain time period. Some of the older brake controllers never shut-off, but they did not drain battery power as the only component that would be on is a low amperage LED indicating that the controller has power or whether or not it was connected to a trailer.

As long as you have a healthy battery, you should not have a problem. Since your car is only 2 maybe 3 years old, your battery should be fine. It you were to use a brake controller like a Tekonsha P2, part # 90885, you can disconnect the wiring at the back of the brake controller to make sure that none of the battery charge is consumed by the brake controller while off.

expert reply by:
Patrick B

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