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Is the Curt Echo Wireless Brake Controller a Good, Safe, and Reliable Controller?  


Is the wireless brake controller safe and a good product? Curt Echo Wireless Brake Controller - 7-Way Plug Mount w/ Bluetooth App - 1 to 2 Axle - Proportional


Expert Reply:


When the Curt Echo Wireless Brake Controller # C51180 was first announced I was a little skeptical of the Bluetooth connection myself. The release actually went fairly smoothly and while they've had a few issues since then, I'm confident in promoting this controller as Curt has been able to iron out any bugs with their app.

Once you have all of the settings in place the controller works on it's own, and the only thing you need the phone/app for is the manual override, but Curt has also released the Manual Override Button # C83HR you can pick up so you're completely phone-free while towing.

If you don't want the Echo to be at the back of your vehicle 7-Way, Curt has also come out with the Under-Dash # C27JR (which installs under your dash) and the In-Line # C79DR (which installs behind your 7-Way) as alternative designs. These function the same way but install in different locations on your vehicle.

expert reply by:
Jon G

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