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Solution for Raising Coyote Inc Boat Trailer Tongue Additional 14 Inches  


Currently my boat is on a Coyote Inc. dual axel trailer in my driveway. Due to the slope of the driveway I really need to raise the trailer tongue up an additional 14 inches to get the boat bow up. Is easy way to do this? Is there an extra long trailer jack available?


Expert Reply:

The best solution for raising the trailer tongue would be a base pad/jack stand like the # SC86MR. Raising the ground up with something like this is typically better than trying to extend the jack. Two of these stacked together would give you an additional 14" and can hold 3,000 lbs.

However, I'm not entirely sure what your setup will be like on your driveway. sitting these on a steep angle with a trailer jack that has a caster would not work well. Most boat trailer jacks have a similar height and travel, but you may be able to use the Drop Leg Trailer Jack with Footplate # DL97MR.

This jack has 30" of travel with a maximum trailer tongue height of 38". If I had to guess that will be enough compared to your current jack. It has a weight capacity of 2,000 lbs and a zinc-plated steel construction to resist corrosion. It also features a bolt-on installation and is made in the USA.

expert reply by:
Robin H

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