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Are Malone 2 Tier LowBed MicroSport Trailer Rear Crossbars Below Fender  


Will something laid flat across the bottom cross bars i.e. lumber or a kayak clear the fender? Looking at the photos, it appears that the fender sits higher than the bottom cross bars.


Helpful Expert Reply:

That's an excellent question, and you've got a good eye because the crossbars are about an inch lower than the fenders on the Malone 2 Tier LowBed MicroSport Trailer - 78" Crossbars # MPG464-LBT.

So if you wanted to lay lumber completely flat you would not be able to, but for things like kayaks it wouldn't be an issue because you could mount them with the Bunk Kit for Malone Trailers - 1 Kayak # MPG561 and they would have plenty of height to go over the fenders.

If you really did want something that would allow you to lay something completely flat on crossbars, you would need a single-tier trailer with crossbars that go above the fender such as the Malone MicroSport Trailer # MPG460G or Yakima Rack and Roll Trailer # Y08106.

expert reply by:
Kyle S

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