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What is the Difference Between Prodigy P2 and P3 Brake Controllers  


I am trying to choose between part numbers 90885 and 90195. I have a 2010 Ford F-150. Whats the difference?


Helpful Expert Reply:

The biggest differences between the Prodigy P2 brake controller, # 90885, and the P3 brake controller, # 90195, are the display, buttons and look of the controllers.

I like the buttons and display on the P3 controller myself because the display uses actual words for setup and troubleshooting rather than the display codes that the P2 uses. This makes it easier for me to know that I am adjusting the correct function or see the trouble shooting codes without referring back to the installation manual. I added links to a couple of videos that show the displays on these brake controllers for you to check out.

Other than those differences, the P2 and P3 controllers are very similar in actual function and are both capable of controlling electric and electric over hydraulic trailer braking systems.

To install either one of these controllers on your 2010 Ford F-150 you will also need the Plug-In Wiring Adapter, # 22292. We have a video showing the P3 being installed on a 2009 Ford F-150 that should be helpful.

expert reply by:
Bob G

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