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Removing 2 Bike Add-On From Thule T2 Bike Rack  


Hi, I am having a difficult time taking off the 2 bike add-on on the Thule XT Pro. Any recommendations or instructions I can refer to? I try to instructions in reverse order, but it does not seem to be working out.


Expert Reply:

I reached out to my contact at Thule and she wasn't able to offer any additional advice with regards to removing the 2 Bike Add-On # TH9036XT from your T2 Bike Rack. There are 2 bolts at the connection point on the mast that need to be removed before the piece can be taken out. Additionally you will need to loosen up the linkage with the included hex key, which is threaded into the center bolt hole below where the Add-On piece slides in.

Once this is done you should be able to simply slide the 2 Bike Add-On out of the rack's mast. I have attached an image clarifying where the two bolts are secured that need to be removed along with the location of the mentioned linkage that needs to be loosened.

Please let me know if you continue to have trouble and I will be happy to try and look into this further.

expert reply by:
Chris R
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Dan O. profile picture

Dan O.


On my carrier, there are actually 4 bolts on the mast. Two "underneath" where this image indicates, but two more "on top" that you will see when you put the carrier down.

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