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Recommended Gauge of Wiring for Trailer Lights  


I am building a tiny house on a trailer that is 10foot x 35. I am a little confused about the lighting requirements. It seems that I can put one assembly in the middle of the trailer, on the rear, and then some lights on the side of the trailer, at their widest points. is that correct? What gauge of wire do I need? I am going to buy the components separately because there is not enough wiring in your kits for such a long trailer.


Expert Reply:

Trailer wiring generally uses 16 gauge wire, part # 16-1-1. However, with a long trailer like yours you may want to go with a larger like 14 gauge # DW07550-1 or even 12 gauge # 12-1-1.

Each size is sold by the foot.

You will need to have the lights at the rear of the trailer of brakes and turn signals. Also since the trailer will be 10 feet wide you need clearance lights on each side.

expert reply by:
Charles S

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