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Replacement 7-Way Trailer Connector or 7-Way to 6-Way Harness for a Motor Home  


I have the roadmaster 7-wire to 6 wire straight cord. The plug that fits into the motorhome needs to be replaced. Should I just replace the entire unit or just the 7 wire plug??? Does roadmaster make a 7 wire to 6 wire straight cord all ready pre-assembled like the coil cord?? I dont use the guides on my tow bar for the electrical cord, only for the safety cables. So I could use the coil cord, correct??


Expert Reply:

We have several 7-Way to 6-Way round kits that you could potentially use but it sounds like you are looking for one such as # HM47057 with the straight cable and already assembled.

But if you just need to replace the 7-Way end on the RV then you could do that it you want. If the 7-Way has a round plug at the back that just plugs into it then you could use # PK11893. Otherwise you would need to hardwire one in using # PK12-707E.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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