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How To Find The Factory Brake Signal Tail Light Wire On A 2013 Mini Cooper  


I have a 2013 mini Cooper hardtop. I purchased the Blue ox baseplate, Roadmaster Smart Diode wiring kit, Part Number 153782 and some other towing components to allow me to flat tow it. I have already installed the baseplate and I am currently looking over the wiring instructions that came with the roadster kit. I have also been searching the internet but I am at a loss for which wires I should be tapping into at my tail lights. Attached is a picture of the connector that goes into the back of my tail lights. Each has several different wires coming into it. I am not sure what wires I should be using for the Left side car in and right side car in. What is a good way to test this? I cant find anything specific to my model. I only see things related to the John Cooper works or newer countryman models. Any help would be appreciated.

Mini Cooper Light Wiring
Mini Cooper Light Wiring
(click to enlarge)
Mini Cooper Light Wiring 2
Mini Cooper Light Wiring 2
(click to enlarge)

Expert Reply:

Hey Derick,

You'll just need a hook & probe tester # PTW2993 to probe into the wires and see what their functions are. You can have someone step on the brake pedal to send power back to the tail light. Using the tester to probe into the wire the brake signal wire should be the only one that lights up.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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