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Installing 7-Way Trailer Connector on 2019 Ford Ranger With Existing 4-Pole  


2019 Ford Ranger Will this keep the factory harness intact so the standard 4 pin connector on my truck can still be used? It looks like it has a passthrough with the 7 pin spliced into it.


Expert Reply:

The Tekonsha # 22124 wiring harness would plug inline at the point where your exisitng 4-pole plugs into the factory harness. Once installed, you will have a functional 7-way, and will still retain a functional 4-pole.

If the trailer you're planning on towing has brakes, you'll need a functioning brake controller to actuate them. I really like the Brake EVN, part # TK63VR. The i-Command is reasonably priced and easy to use. You'll also need the # 7865 diode wiring pigtail. The tow package wires are bundled up behind the kick panel on the driver's side. Look for a bundle of wires secured by blue tape. There will be a blue, a yellow/red, a white and a while/purple wire. The blue wire goes to the blue brake output wire on the P3, the yellow/red wire is for 12V power and goes to the black wire on the controller, the white wire goes to the white ground wire on the controller, and the white/purple wire goes to the red brake input wire on the controller.

expert reply by:
Mike L

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