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Troubleshooting Trailer Jack that is Slow to Rise and Lower  


the last time we came back from a trip I was docking the trailer in the driveway the jack was sluggish to go up and the clutch kicked in as if I was at the top of the max height, but I stopped and tried just to make sure and was able to go up a bit more, this happened approximately three times until I was at the maximum height. I wasnt plugged into the car any mor but I had connected to a 30 amp receptacle. I this an issue and the jack is near the end of its life, or am I just being paranoid. We had just returned from an approximate 5 hour drive. The trailer is a 2016 Premier Bullet made by Keystone. It is a 26 foot couples model, from tip to tail 31foot 5


Expert Reply:

It could be a few things that caused your jack to slow down like you mentioned. I'd first check the condition of the trailer battery as that's most likely it. If the battery is weak or not fully charged the jack won't operate like it should. Also check to make sure the wiring of the jack is solidly connected to the battery as well as the ground. The jack grounds through the mounting hardware so make sure the mount is clean and the main ground strap of the trailer wiring is connected to the frame.

If all of that checks out it's probably the jack going out.

The best replacement is the fully featured Lippert # LC643589 Smart Jack that remembers your hitch and unhitch heights and will move into place at the press of a button. This powered jack has 18 inches of screw travel and the drop leg option adds another 4-1/2 inches of lift. It als has a large foot plate to support the front of the trailer and be less likely to press into blacktop asphalt.

expert reply by:
Jameson C

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