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How To Attach Safety Chains To Trailer Tongue  


Is there a bolt on unit like this?


Helpful Expert Reply:

I am not aware of a bolt-on version of the Buyers Products Weld-On Safety Chain Retainer part # 3375471000. However, if all you were wanting to do is mount your safety chains to the tongue of your trailer then you will just simply do so by running a grade 8 bolt though both the chain and frame like you can see in the two attached photos.

If you were wanting to use the Buyers Products Weld-On Safety Chain Retainer for a different application then just let me know what that is otherwise I have have attached a few safety chain options for you below. Once you obtain these you can then go to the hardware store and get the largest grade 8 bolt that will fit inside the chain loop to attach it to your trailer.

36" Long Safety Chain with 1/4" S-Hook (5,000 lbs) - part # TCTSCG30-736-04X1 (2)

42" Long Safety Chain with 3/8" Clevis Hook (15,000 lbs) - part # 337BSC3842 (2)

expert reply by:
Conner L
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all chain to trailer connections should be MADE above the bottom of trailer tongue'. when the trailer pops off, everything under the tongue is ground down BY THE ROAD VERY Quickly. manufacturers even do it wrong. the picture on the left violates this fact. i had an incident at 55 mph, and immedialtely stoped, and the V foot has 1 inch left on rear portion onlt, and a 1/4 in on front. I WAS LUCKY.

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