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2000 Toyota Tundra Hitch Replacement and Towing Capacity  


I want to buy the best hitch to my 2000 tundra Toyota but I prefer not to drill and just replace the bolts from original hitch. I also prefer to be rated same or higher than the 7500 towing capacity of the truck. What options you recommend? Do you include the bolts? If not what bolts should I buy?


Expert Reply:

I looked up the towing capacity for the 2000 Toyota Tundra and it ranges between 4,950 to 7,200 lbs (please confirm with your owners manual). If you are looking for a hitch that includes the bolts and no drilling required for installation, I recommend the Curt Trailer Hitch Receiver # C13180 if your Tundra excludes the factory towable bumper. If you have the factory towable bumper I recommend # 75105. However if the truck maxes out at 7,200 pounds, in this towing scenario, you will be limited by the lowest rated component.

I have help articles on tips on how to properly tow a trailer attached to this help page.

expert reply by:
Timothy G

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