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Recommended Tire and Wheel to Replace 6.90-9 Tires on Trailer  


6.90-9 5 lug. What can I replace the tires and rims with that would still fit my trailer with the same overall width and outside diameter?


Expert Reply:

For just a replacement tire, we do have the Kenda Loadstar K364 Trailer Tire # AM10040. This 6.90/6.00-9 size tire will be the exact same size as what you currently have mounted, however we do not currently carry the 9 inch wheels that these will fit.

I recommend upgrading just a bit in tire size so that you can use a wheel size that is more readily available. Your existing 6.90-9 tires have an overall diameter of 21.1 inches. The closest wheel and tire size we have to that is the 145/80-12 tire, which has an overall diameter of 21.3 inches and a width of 5.7 inches. This is not much of a difference, but you will still want to make sure you have the needed clearance on your trailer for the slightly larger tire.

For this size, I recommend the Kenda Karrier S-Trail # AM31202. This radial ply tire is mounted to a sturdy steel wheel with a galvanized finish and features a 5 on 4-1/2 inch bolt pattern. This tire has a maximum load of 1,220 pounds at 65 psi and a maximum speed of 65 mph.

I have attached a short video demonstration on this tire and wheel combo that you can also check out.

expert reply by:
Chris R

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