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Can an Air Bag Compressor System be Wired to an Upfitter Switch on a 2016 Ford F-250  


I have a 2016 Ford f250 6.2L. I want to install the compressor on an upfitter switch. Which switch do in install it on? Can I ground it on the body instead of the battery? Thanks for your help.


Expert Reply:

The upfitter switch on your truck would have to be one that is not currently being used. A 2-position switch can be used to power on the compressor to add air and then switched off once the desired psi is reached.

If you wire it up to the upfitter switch I recommend using an analog compressor system that is more set up for that type of switch such as # AL25592. That way you can still have a way to purge out the air pneumatically rather than trying to make it work with a switch. This is sort of uncharted territory.

The ground needs to be substantial and there is a lot that could go wrong with a chassis ground so I do recommend sticking with the connection to the negative battery terminal.

expert reply by:
Michael H

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