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What Items Are Needed To Tow A 1999 Honda CRV With A Falcon All-Terrain Non-Binding Tow Bar  


I have the Falcon All-Terrain non-binding tow bar 2007 with safety cables and wiring cable. Is there anything else I need except for the 1528-1 baseplate to tow a1999 Honda CR-V?


Expert Reply:

If you have the tow bar, safety cables and the wiring for the lights, then you will need the base plate. We do also offer a Quick Disconnect Kit, which makes connecting and disconnecting the tow bar to the vehicle being towed a easy task.

You will also want to make sure the wiring you have for the lights on the vehicle being towed is the Roadmaster Universal Hy-Power Diode Wiring Kit, # RM-154, or similar. This kit will provide taillights on the towed vehicle. It will also have the diodes that prevent feedback from going from the taillights on the towed vehicle back to the vehicle that will be doing the towing.

The Roadmaster Tow Bar, # 1528-3, would be the correct base plate for the 1999 Honda CRV. It will bolt onto the car and then attach to the Roadmaster Falcon All-Terrain Tow Bar.

The other part I mentioned is the Roadmaster Tow Bar Quick Disconnect Kit, # RM-201, which would be installed between the tow bar and the base plate. It will allow you to disconnect the tow bar from the vehicle quickly by just pulling out a pin, instead of having to unbolt the tow bar connection.

expert reply by:
Jeff D

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