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Electric Trailer Brakes Lock Up When Trailer is Plugged in to Tow Vehicle  


Hi, my 10x2.25 electric brakes will not release when the 7 way plug is plunged into my truck.My trucks pulls my friends trailer with out problems so I am guessing that the problem is in the trailer.Also the break away is bypassed so that is not it.My controller is a voyager model if that helps.I really appreciate any help or suggestions.


Expert Reply:

The easiest first step here would be to try the trailer on a different truck, and see if the same problem occurs. If the trailer brakes are free until the trailer is plugged in, I suspect that something is mis wired. I would suggest examine the wiring where the break away system was bypassed and make sure that the 12-volt accessory feed is not connected to the brake wire at some point.

Are you by chance using a 7 to 6-way adapter? If so, there are two accepted ways of wiring a 6-way connector. One method uses the center pin as the brake output circuit, the other uses the center pin as the 12-volt accessory circuit. If the trailer is wired one way and the adapter the other, the brakes will receive 12-volts as soon as the trailer is plugged in. We offer a universal 7 to 6-way adapter, part # 47549 that can be wired either way which would solve that problem for you.

expert reply by:
Mike L
Gary H. profile picture

Gary H.


I am having the same issue with my dump trailer. I have had this trailer for several years. I am still using the same tow vehicle. As soon as I plug in to my vehicle the brakes lock up. I tried plugging it into another vehicle and the same thing happens.

ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


So we know the problem is on the trailer and it's also not a standard mis-wire, since it's a new issue on an old trailer. What's likely happening is that the brake output wire is shorting out to the frame or a neighboring wire somewhere down the line. I recommend starting at the trailer side connector and visually inspecting it for any corrosion that might be bridging a couple pins together - cleaning out as needed. From there it's really just a matter of trying to trace the brake output wire back to the brake assemblies, looking for any frayed/exposed sections that need to be replaced.
GaryH profile picture

Gary H.


I couldn’t find anything wrong with the wiring. I replaced the battery in the trailer and the problem went away.
ChrisR profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Chris R.


That is odd, but at least the issue is fixed! Please let me know if anything like that pops up again.
See All (6) Replies to Gary H. ∨
Adrienne profile picture



I have this problem. Can the plug be re wired at home? Would love to talk to you about this. Please call 509-432-4572.

MikeL profile picture
Etrailer Expert

Mike L.


@Adrienne If you're using the Hopkins # 47549, it can easily be disassembled and the wires swapped. If you're using a different brand adapter, You'll need to disassemble it by removing the screws on the side of the adapter. Once you get it open, check to see how the wires connect to the terminals. If they're soldered, you CAN swap them, but it's pretty difficult to do so and you'd likely be better off going with the # 47549. If they're attached with screws, swapping the wires will be simple. Please let us know if you have further questions!

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