4-1/4" Waterproof light displays brake, tail, and turn signals on your trailer. It mounts in a cutout with the built-in flange and works with 3-prong plugs.
This light has a standard 3-prong plug that connects to your vehicle or trailer with a PL-3 pigtail adapter. Pick up the right-angle pigtail (A47PB - sold separately) or the straight pigtail (A45PB - sold separately) if you don't have one already.
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Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Today we're going to be taking a look at part number STL003RFLB. This is the Optronics round LED trailer light. It's going to feature one LED. It's going to serve as your brake light, turn signal and taillight. It's going to feature a sealed waterproof housing, as well as a lens unit. Here on the back side, you're going to notice that it has the connection point for a three wire pigtail.
These tabs that come off of here are actually locking tabs, so once that connection is in there, that bracket or that housing on the back of the plug is going to lock in these brackets and that's just a safety feature, as well as a feature that's designed to prevent theft. It's going to clip on either side of the plug for a nice, tight, secure fit. This uses surface mount technology, which is designed to protect the LED from shock and vibration. The diode is actually mounted directly onto a circuit board instead of through a hole. It's going to feature a long lasting LED. It's going to be a great replacement for an incandescent light.
LED's are going to last 50 times longer, you don't have to worry about replacing bulbs. You don't have to worry about brittle filaments and LED's are going to be more efficient, so they're going to provide brighter light with less power output. It's going to feature a sturdy poly-carbonate lens, as well as a housing. This is Department of Transportation compliant, so it meets FMVSS 108 requirements and CMVSS requirements for automotive lighting. We'll take a look at the overall dimensions real quick. It's going to give us an overall diameter of 5 1/2 inches.
Now the actual light itself, or that lens, looks like it's going to be about 4 1/4 of an inch. The depth of this unit is going to be about 2 inches. You can see here that this is going to be a flange mount design, so it has that flange that goes around the housing. That's going to have three mount holes. If we take a measurement, the distance that we have center on center between each hole. That's going to measure 4 1/4 of an inch, and that measurement is going to be the same no matter how you measure, center on center between all the different holes.
So you have three different holes, center on center 4 1/4 is going to be the separation. Optronics is going to put a lifetime warranty on the LED. Again, you have the three prong connection here at the back. A couple different options that you have, it does not include the plug that you need, so you can find that here at etrailer.com. It is going to be sold separately, part number A45PB is going to be the one I'm using for our demonstration today, or you can get a right angled plug, with part number A47PB. I'm going to go and hook this up to our external power source, that way you can see what it's going to look like with power running to it. Simply just take our plug, run it through the guides there, that is locking tabs, straight into the connections. It's going to snap into place. You can see there that once that is fully connected, creates a nice tight seal around those connection points, so nothing is going to get in there and do any damage. This is going to be the taillight function. Again, this is just one LED. When we apply our brakes, you can see how that brightens up for a brighter signal output. It's also going to do that when we activate our turn signal. That's going to do it for today's review of part number STL003RFLB, this is the Optronics round LED trailer light. .
Average Customer Rating: 4.8 out of 5 stars (1034 Customer Reviews)
4-1/4" Waterproof light displays brake, tail, and turn signals on your trailer. It mounts in a cutout with the built-in flange and works with 3-prong plugs.
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