This winch bar assists in tightening and releasing the tie-down winch on your flatbed truck or trailer. Durable steel construction with knurled handle provides secure grip. Black finish.
Videos are provided as a guide only. Refer to manufacturer installation instructions and specs for complete information.
Hi, there, I'm Michael with Today, we're gonna take a quick look at this Titan chain winch tightening bar. This is going to allow you to easily tighten and release your tie down winch. This does have the 15/16 of an inch diameter tapered end that will insert into that incap of your flatbed truck or your trailer winches. And then it will allow you to use that leverage to release or tighten those. Our overall dimensions, this is 31.5 inches long by about 1.5 inches wide.
It does weigh about five pounds 'cause it is made of a very durable steel construction. And you can see it does have this knurled handle here that's going to allow for a nice solid grip, so we don't have to worry about losing our grip with all that torque on there as we're tightening our winches. And it does have a black paint finish so it does look nice for us. So if you are wanting to get a little bit more leverage on those winches, then this is gonna be a great way to go. That completes our look for today.
Again, I'm Michael with Thanks for watching.
Average Customer Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (9 Customer Reviews)
This winch bar assists in tightening and releasing the tie-down winch on your flatbed truck or trailer. Durable steel construction with knurled handle provides secure grip. Black finish.Fast delivery
Hard to believe this bar was as inexpensive as it is. It's heavy duty and will give you years of use and makes tightening those straps on winches very easy!
As described
Quality products and outstanding servic e-
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