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Recommended Bike Rack for a DJ Fat Bike  


Hi there! I previously posted a question I have but one more question, you mention a 200 lbs tongue weight capacity. My brothers e-bike with tires weighs 275 lbs, and thats without the rack - so wouldnt that mean the hitch you suggested wouldnt be rated for that weight or am I missing something? Can someone advise me? Thank you so much!


Expert Reply:

I pulled the picture below off of that link you sent over the weekend. A DJ Fat Bike weighs 63.9 lbs without the battery. It has a 275 lbs capacity. Unless your brother is planning on sitting on the bike while it's on the bike rack you won't have any issue with the 200 lbs tongue weight limit that the Curt item # C11567 has.

The Thule EasyFold XT Bike Rack item # TH903202 is the only class I capable bike rack that will work with a Dj Fat Bike. This bike rack has a 65 lbs capacity per bike so your brother will have to remove the battery when he is transporting his fat bike. The bike rack itself weighs 45 lbs.

You will also need to add the Fat Bike Straps for Thule EasyFold XT Bike Rack item # TH985101. The website you sent me shows the Dj Fat Bike having 4" wide tires. The standard straps that come on the EasyFold item # TH903202 top out at 3" wide tires.

expert reply by:
Jerred H
Recommended Bike Rack for a DJ Fat Bike
Recommended Bike Rack for a DJ Fat Bike
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