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Are There Replacement Baseplate Adapters Available For A Roadmaster Eagle 8000 Tow Bar  


Hello, I currently have a Roadmaster Eagle 8000 tow bar with demco adapters on the end of the bar to hook up to a demco baseplate. I am wondering if you carry the original ends of the that towbar that would connect to the Roadmaster baseplate RM-523193-5? If not, would I need to purchase a demco baseplate for my 2023 chevy equinox? Thank you for your time.


Expert Reply:

I spoke with Roadmaster and unfortunately the Eagle 8000 tow bar has been discontinued for 15+ years so there are no longer any compatible replacements available for it. If you didn't want to have to purchase newer tow bar then you would need to use a Demco baseplate like the Demco Tabless Base Plate Kit # DM9519332. This baseplate will require you to trim/remove the lower active air shutters in order for it to fit, just like you would with any other baseplate.

expert reply by:
Kevin C

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